
Showing posts from May, 2013

Stop, Look and Listen! A guide to walking the Witches path. Pt 2

  Everything is a matter of perspective and intention. We each have a unique way of viewing the world and the people and things in it. How we view the world is not just a result of the nature/nurture influences. At some point in our lives the way we see the world becomes a CHOICE. What do you see? How do you see it? When did you see it? Why do you see it that way? In reflecting on those questions, one should also ask: How does what I see make my life better or worse? I am, of course, not speaking strictly of using your eyes but also using the mind, heart, and spirit. How do we learn to ‘see’. Light bounces off an object and is reflected into our eyes. Our brains process that image through the vast array of objects we have been introduced to since birth and the brain then give us the corresponding definition of said object based on what we have been taught.  Okay, that is ridiculously simplified…but I think you get the idea. The balancing act comes in when what you ‘see’ isn’t part of w