
Showing posts from January, 2013

Imbolc 2013-Initiation

Imbolc has always been a special celebration for me. As a novice, I was initiated into my first coven at Imbolc and was given the magickal name of Artemis. Later, I was initiated as a priestess on Imbolc, further committing and clearing another part of my spiritual path. My mentor was the one who chose this day for those rituals…and I was not sure how she came to this decision until later. When I first met Etain, a former nun and lesbian who became a Wiccan priestess, she was the most welcoming person I had met in the Wiccan/Pagan communities. She was generous with her teachings and always emphasized to me that even when practicing as a group, each person’s spiritual path was individual. I might join their circle, but my beliefs and practices, would be my own to follow for the entire length of my life. Perhaps it was the difficulties she had in her own experiences that led her to teach me those lessons. Humans are subject to their flaws…insecurity, need for approval, desire for attenti...

Middle-Aged Broad does good! I got a Liebster Award!

Wow! I won an award! How awesome is that for a new blogger? It's VERY awesome! Thank you so much to Gemmi Fuchsbau at  Walk the Circle  for giving me the Liebster Award. As this was my second attempt at creating a blog, it means so very much to know that there are people out there not only reading my blog....but LIKING my blog! As a blog newbie, I was unfamiliar with this award-so here I will borrow the explanation of the award from Gemmi for you to understand it better: "For those bloggers and readers who are unfamiliar with this award, “The Liebster Award" is given to up and coming bloggers who have fewer than 200  followers . The word ” Liebster” comes from German and can mean the sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, most beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.” Isn't that cool? What a lovely way to share the love and encouragement with those bloggers just getting started....and giving some validation to their thoughts, feelings and ex...

The Triple Goddess in my life- Virgin Mary/Lady of Guadalupe/The Mother

*This is part two of the series of the Triple Goddess in my life as Maiden, Mother and Crone. This aspect is of the Mother. I describe Her in one of Her many aspects as Mother that I have experienced. The Virgin Mary, Lady of Guadalupe, Blessed Mother are all names of the Mother Goddess and Her many faces. How I have struggled with the Mother aspect of the Goddess. For many reasons, this has been the most difficult for me to come to terms with. My Mom passed away on October 19, 2012. My relationship with the Goddess, ever special to me, has reflected the complicated relationship my own family has had with the Blessed Mother in their own lives. My mom was the youngest of 7 children of Italian immigrants with strong devotion to the Church. She married the first fellow she was permitted to date, who turned out to be an abusive alcoholic. Despite the many bruises seen by priest and family, she stayed with him because divorce was a sin back in the 50’s. However, she was made of stronger stu...