
Showing posts from October, 2013

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens October 31-Grand Giveaway!!

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens October 31 : Happy Samhain Eve and Halloween! This is our last big day of celebration, and we have a very special offering for you! Tomorrow, we'l...

Solitary Samhain

*The October Extravaganza at Samhain's Sirens is almost at an end! Be sure to visit the blog and take advantage of the last few days of crafts, recipes, articles and giveaways before the Grand Giveaway at the end of the month! Follow the link:   Samhain's Sirens! This article is my contribution to Kallan Kennedy's Special Samhain Edition of the Sunday Stew. After this the Sunday Stew will be on hiatus until Yule, so you know this edition of the Stew is going to be something really special!  Please follow this link:   The Secret Life of the American Witch! I donā€™t stand on ceremony and I've never really liked all the Pomp and Circumstance that some thrive on in their rituals. It has been one of the things that drew me away from ā€˜Wiccaā€™ and led me to my own solitary path as a Witch. While others really feel strongly about putting on their ceremonial robes, casting the circles, calling the quarters, etcā€¦.I just wanted to settle down, keep it simple and get to the magickal ...

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens, Day 20, October 23

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens, Day 20, October 23 : It's a Wonderful Wednesday here! Kallan's baby, Nichole We have TWO giveaways for you today, great music, more from our ama...

Samhain's Sirens: Saturday Craft-Tacular - Elemental Spell Pens

Samhain's Sirens: Saturday Craft-Tacular - Elemental Spell Pens : Welcome to the third edition of the Samhainā€™s Sirens Saturday Craft-Tacular.  Today weā€™ll be working in the wonderful world of polymer cl...

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens: Day, 16, October 18 Crafty Witc...

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens: Day, 16, October 18 Crafty Witc... : WOOHOO!! Happy Friday everyone! Are you ready for a great craft and giveaway? Check out Autumn's DELICIOUS recipe and of course, ...

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens, Day 14- October 16

Another awesome day at Samhain's Sirens...and a kick ass giveaway from Kindred Kollections! Come see! Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens, Day 14- October 16 : Wow, can you believe we're already half-way through the celebration? Time sure does fly when you're having this much fun! We h...

Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens Day 13, October 15

Another awesome day at Samhain's Sirens! Go check out this fabulous giveaway and MORE!! Samhain's Sirens: Samhain's Sirens Day 13, October 15 : Welcome back! It's a Terrific Tuesday here for the Sirens! We have some great stuff for you. Remember, if you have a question or ...

Mid-Stride Moxie on Tumblr!

I realized just today that I had a Tumblr account that had been long neglected. The reason was because it was still connected to the old blog name previous to the relaunch of  Mid-Stride Moxie. So, out with the old? Ha! In this case, I guess so...I had to start over properly with the new Tumblr page for the new blog! It's just getting started...and I'm still learning how to make some of this stuff work.... One of the things I love doing is sharing photos...of nature, odd road-side attractions, cool items I see while antique shopping or flea-market treasure hunting, beauty and fashion, retro/vintage/kitsch anything, spiritual sites and inspirations, awesome affirmations of all kinds for the middle-aged gal on the go... So, it just seems right that I should re-start a photo blog on Tumblr just for those's the right place to put them and a way to share without hijacking the space or attention of my friends on my social media pages... I'd love to have you join ...

Honoring the Living and Departed Ancestors

Good day friends! Once again I have another blurp that I have written as a contribution for Kallan Kennedy's-  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  Please, visit the page and check out all the wonderful contributing Chefs who make the Sunday Stew such a treat!  As always, I hope that you enjoy my contribution and I would love to hear your thoughts!  ************************************** Many Pagans are blessed to be able to spend Samhain with a loving circle of friends, family, and other like-minded folks. They will conduct group rituals, raise cones of power, chant and sing songs, drum in the midst of their circles, and enjoy the celebratory feast afterward. Some children (and adults!) are lucky enough to take part in Harvest celebrations, play games, create masks, wear costumes, decorate sugar skulls, and then enjoy the spoils from hours of ringing doorbells and shouting ā€˜Trick-or-Treat!!ā€™. But what about the rest of us? What is there for those of us to do to c...

Samhain's Sirens Giveaway!

There is an amazing giveaway (yes-ANOTHER one!) over at   Samhain's Sirens ! This one is featuring a wonderful plaque made by the awesome Loren Morris of  Sagas Cottage . It is a wonderful piece featuring the Witches Familiar.... Please...go check out the amazing blog (also featuring wise and lovely Loren!) and enter to win that gorgeous bit of art for yourself!!

My Mid-Stride Soundtrack Vol. 2- Remembering Mom

Hello my friends! I'm feeling a little nostalgic today, so I thought it was a good idea to throw out a few more tunes for you as I reflect on my Mid-Stride life. October 19 will mark the one-year anniversary of my mom's passing from this life. I have been running the spectrum of emotional reactions from laughter to tears and all areas in between. I miss her very much. She was quite a character! Feisty, curious, outspoken, compassionate, giving, funny, are just a few of the words I can think of to describe my mother. My mom was the youngest child of Italian immigrants and had a strong love for the food, music, and traditions of her culture. Naturally, she shared that with her children. Many of the strongest memories I have of my mother focus on two main areas: food and music. Since I don't have enough room for you in my little apartment to share a meal with you, I'll share some of the music I enjoyed with my mom and some of her favorites, too. Mom loved the crooners who ...

Samhain's Sirens blog update!

Hello and Happy October, my friends!  Serena Siren...isn't she pretty? I just wanted to direct you to a blog post I created for the Samhain's Sirens blog. It is titled ' Creating the Ancestral Altar ' and it is the featured article for Day 2 of the October Extravaganza and I really enjoyed writing it. Please go  Samhain's Sirens  to read the article. While you're there, please take advantage of all the fabulous giveaways that go on there every day! Some very crafty people put some of their best works forward for you to win....go see!

Samhain's Sirens giveaways!

Samhain's Sirens is a gift to the Pagan community. On this blog, during the month of  October, they post giveaways, articles, recipes, crafts, music and more all to celebrate our  favorite holiday and season.  There are two giveaways today: Giveaway #1- PIP Designs. Tara Smith  he is giving away a blog makeover for your blog, valued at $200.00 ! To see more go to : PIP Designs   Giveaway #2- Rita Digilova is giving away a Book of Shadows from Lapulia Studios! To see more go to:  Lapulia Book of Shadows Samhain's Sirens Please follow the link above to join Samhain's Sirens and get in on all the wonderful surprises!