
Showing posts from April, 2014

Cawfee Klatsch and Building Moxie! 4/27/14

Hello all you lovely people out there! How are you all doing this wonderful Springtime Sunday? It is a gorgeous day outside in my beloved New Jersey. I was out earlier today, and now I am home just relaxing and listening to the birdies outside! I do hope you all had a chance to go read the Sunday Stew over at  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  Poor Kallan's computer took a nose dive and there hasn't been any Stew for a couple of weeks. But now it is back up and this is the Beltane edition. I have a blurp in it entitled 'Chrysalis Moments' and I do hope you will go over and read it, along with all the other fab stuff inside! But for now, grab a cuppa your favorite beverage (obviously, mine is COFFEE) and you can get a glimpse inside my mental meanderings... When I decided to call this blog 'Mid-Stride Moxie' was as much an expression of how I feel about being in the Mid-Stride or Middle Aged part of my life as much as a challenge to live up to that tit

Sunday "Cawfee" Klatsch! 4/13/14

Good Day friends! It's Coffee Klatsch time!! What a difference some sunny weather makes! Alas, due to some technical difficulties there is no Sunday Stew to share with you (hopefully it will return next week), but I'm still quite inspired to make our Cawfee Klatsch fun and thoughtful....and thank you ever so much for joining me today! Spring has finally sprung here in my beloved Jersey and I am loving it! Despite seasonal allergies, I am still ecstatic that the trees are budding, the grass is starting to grow again and flowers are blooming! All signs of life renewing and the cycle continuing and COLOR returning to the world is a glorious thing! It makes me very happy and I can say it truly is helping to shake the Seasonal Affective Disorder back to a level that is more than manageable. The sluggish feeling has gone away so much that my hubby and I have actually returned to the gym several times to use the pool for our exercise (including this very morning). Now THAT is truly sa

Afternoon Coffee Klatsch!-4/6/14

Good afternoon, friends! I've had a busy morning and am now comfy, cozy and enjoying my afternoon coffee break! Glad you could come join me! BTW-have you had your Sunday Stew yet? Well, by all means go over and visit Kallan Kennedy and all the fabulous chefs at  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  I have a little blurp there I called 'Consequences Schmonsequences'....mainly discussing how I had some intervention from my Spirit Guides in dealing with my workplace hater. But now, let's move on to some more things I have been wanting to talk about with you! My hubby and I have been talking about moving somewhere near the coast for some time now. I've always wanted to live near the shore. Despite being a true Jersey Girl, I hate winter and have never been able to appreciate snow. Snow Days, yes....after all, not many can say they don't appreciate a paid day off where you can stay at home! But alas, there is one particular season of the year I can't stand, an