Afternoon Coffee Klatsch!-4/6/14

Good afternoon, friends! I've had a busy morning and am now comfy, cozy and enjoying my afternoon coffee break! Glad you could come join me! BTW-have you had your Sunday Stew yet? Well, by all means go over and visit Kallan Kennedy and all the fabulous chefs at The Secret Life of the American Witch! I have a little blurp there I called 'Consequences Schmonsequences'....mainly discussing how I had some intervention from my Spirit Guides in dealing with my workplace hater. But now, let's move on to some more things I have been wanting to talk about with you!

My hubby and I have been talking about moving somewhere near the coast for some time now. I've always wanted to live near the shore. Despite being a true Jersey Girl, I hate winter and have never been able to appreciate snow. Snow Days, yes....after all, not many can say they don't appreciate a paid day off where you can stay at home! But alas, there is one particular season of the year I can't stand, and here in Jersey, we most definitely get all four seasons! Sean moved out here to be with me. We decided together that as long as my parents were alive, we wouldn't leave this area because we wanted to be close to them. Now that they are no longer with us, the time has come to plan our move to warmer climates and the little home near the shore we are dreaming of.

While our friends are supportive, I've noticed an abundance of folks who are.....not. When seeking assistance, it is amazing how many folks will discourage you in your plans. These folks often believe they are well-meaning....looking out for your best interests and trying to spare you a world of pain and disappointment. They try to squelch your hopes before you even try to achieve anything....and do so while proclaiming that they are '....only trying to help...'. These are the Wet Blankets...a.k.a. Negative Ned...Gloomy Gus...Debbie Downer....or as I like to call them, Eeyore-the positive pessimists.

I'm guilty of being an Eeyore at nickname for my husband was Eeyore when we first met. I'd like to think we've both gotten better at it over time, as love, faith and trust in each other grew, so did our optimism for the future. But in seeking assistance for things outside of our relationship, I noticed how often we'd get the 'Don't bother, it will never work' kind of responses.

For example-we want to live by the ocean-within walking distance, preferably. We don't want to buy a house and take on a mortgage at our age. We want an affordable little place, in an interesting town, where we can be comfy with ourselves and our cats. I'm doing the research now for safety, distance to places where we might be able to find work, etc. I'm a pretty practical woman and old enough to have several moves under my belt, so I know what to look for. Mine and my hubby's energy has managed to push through some interesting barriers-those being the attitudes and energies of other people.

There is a power that comes from words and the energies behind them. Do you ever consider how your well-meaning advice can change someone else's life? Do you consider whether it is best for them? Have you ever felt discouraged, drained or deflated after someone gave you their well-meaning advice? That is the power of our words....they are invisible actions that reach out and can actually pop our bubbles of enthusiastic energy which we need to move forward to reach our goals. I do try to consider how other people hear me and my words. That is especially true when I have been affected by someone else's psychic pin prick to my spirit. That kind of hurt can wound to your core...

When asking for advice-why do some folks discourage others from pursuing that direction? For example-when asking what areas folks would advise are affordable places to live along the California coast...we met quite a few of the same reactions. What I've read has been a lot of this:  'No such thing';  'You can't afford it, don't bother'; 'It doesn't exist'; and finally, my favorite "NOT GONNA HAPPEN, PERIOD!" Really? Clearly we haven't met, or you might know this advice isn't gonna work for me...

It's a shame that those folks put that kind of energy out there, for that is what they are getting in return. My thought is that when times were tough for them, they looked toward the Wet Blankets in their lives and had their spiritual energy drained away from them. I feel sorry that they didn't have a friend to encourage them which led to them abandoning hope. They gave in to fear and pain and so...their loss was complete. So now, instead of being able to advise those who are trying to reach their goals, they POP their spirit bubbles. Why? Because these injured spirits have come to believe that the joy and happiness in the Universe is a finite commodity. They feel that since there isn't enough for them, there isn't enough for everyone. To see you reaching your goals and being happy will be a reminder of the decisions they have made so far and how they gave up on their own happiness.

The love and positive energy in the Universe is an INFINITE resource. Too often humans believe, like much of the commercialized world, that what we want will run out and never be able to be gotten again. We are a planet of haves and have-nots.  Is it possible that I may not be able to afford a small apartment close to the beach for my hubby and me? Maybe- but most likely we believe we will find what we want as there is room for many in the areas we are looking at. Those resources may be finite, but, not yet. Will it be possible to find what we want and be happy if I believe what others tell me before I even try to reach the goals my husband and I wish to pursue? Nope. We trust to our own judgment...keep to our goals...and believe that there is enough joy out there for everyone to reach their goals....including us.

Be happy where you are, with whomever you are with, doing whatever you are doing. We have a goal, and each day we work a little bit on that goal...together...we are happy. There are no wasted moments in between, because it's what we want to do, how we plan to do it. Is it perfect? No. Is it written in stone? No, our plans are completely flexible and able to adapt to what we learn. Am I sure? Yes. This is about more than just moving across the country to the West's about the commitment to our happiness and each other. Love in Infinite....Joy is Infinite...Serenity is Infinite...  I am are you.

Until next time, friends....


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