
Showing posts from October, 2014

Witch in a Bell Jar

I have been experiencing something I haven't in a very, VERY long time. It scared me a bit...making me wonder what was happening to me. Normally, during this time of year, when the Veil grows thin between the worlds, I am overloaded with connections from spirits...I practically hum with the feeling of energies rolling off me in waves....and I wake often through the night because I am filled with noisy visions and messages throughout my dream time. I revel in the contacts, the energy, the hustle and bustle through the spirit's like one big party! However, it has been rather quiet lately... I have had periods before where there has been a kind of psychic or spiritual 'radio silence'. It usually lasts for a couple of days and then things go back to normal (or, my version of normal, anyway...) once a specific message or lesson has been delivered. This time, it happened rather suddenly at the beginning of October and I have been waiting for it to 'pass'. I

Childfree Celebrity-Good for You, Good for Me

Normally, celebrity gossip has no interest for me and neither does George Clooney (never got what other people raved on about with him). He is recently married for the second time; he is 53 and his new wife is 32. They are both successful, accomplished individuals in their chosen professions. He once declared he wouldn't marry again and had no interest in having kids. That said, it has prompted me to wonder; how would the Childfree by Choice community respond if he changed his mind about having children, as he just has about getting married again? If Clooney had children after he previously and publicly declared his Childfree status, he wouldn't be the first, and he wouldn't be the last. As a society we take a great interest in the celebrities who declare they are Childfree by Choice. We've raised Cameron Diaz up and made her a sort of spokesperson for the Childfree by Choice community as well (I don't get that either). That boggles my mind because for some reason,