Witch in a Bell Jar

I have been experiencing something I haven't in a very, VERY long time. It scared me a bit...making me wonder what was happening to me. Normally, during this time of year, when the Veil grows thin between the worlds, I am overloaded with connections from spirits...I practically hum with the feeling of energies rolling off me in waves....and I wake often through the night because I am filled with noisy visions and messages throughout my dream time. I revel in the contacts, the energy, the hustle and bustle through the spirit world...it's like one big party!

However, it has been rather quiet lately...

I have had periods before where there has been a kind of psychic or spiritual 'radio silence'. It usually lasts for a couple of days and then things go back to normal (or, my version of normal, anyway...) once a specific message or lesson has been delivered. This time, it happened rather suddenly at the beginning of October and I have been waiting for it to 'pass'. I won't blame Mercury Retrograde for it; my practice has been to do some intensive inner work during that period anyway. I try to ignore those who cry that 'the sky is falling!' during Mercury Rx for every single problem they have. However, because I turned my sights inward, it made it clearer to me that I hadn't been experiencing the spiritual world as I normally do. 

I have been very uncomfortable....mentally, physically and spiritually. I am taking each day as it comes, trying trust my own guidance and yet feeling like there is something within me that has been closed off. I feel like I have been placed under some sort of bizarre, psychic and spiritual Bell Jar...and I'm not enjoying this much. I feel divided...disconnected from the world while still being part of it. My spirit guides are my trusted companions and without them I have been feeling bereft, confused and isolated. Yet the spiritual silence feels muffled than a true void. I still see those traces of light and shadow....I still feel the reverberation of my blood and breath....I hear the air as it moves around me. There is a change...but my discomfort comes from not being in on the plan...
So, what does a Witch do when she wants answers but can't seem to get them for herself? Well, turn to divination through other talented Witches. I begged Goddess for one, itty bitty morsel of help and clarity...and was given an opportunity, at the very moment I asked, for a single card reading from a friend of a friend. The deck used was 'Return of the Spirit' by Cheryl Lee Harnish. The card I chose, was "Frequency Shift" and this is what the meaning for this card is:

"You are about to experience a shift in your frequency and this card comes to help prepare you for the upcoming event. Being ready and knowing what to expect, can help get you through the transitional period.  A frequency shift occurs when the soul is ready for the next part of its journey. However, this does not mean that our human consciousness is necessarily ready. The things that alter during this period can be difficult to endure, but you will make it through and be much better for it.

Most often, when this shift begins, we will experience depression or a feeling of needing to withdraw from the world. Usually there are events that take place, just before this shift, which cause a need to step back from the world. It is this specific part of the transition which feels difficult to relate to other people. Your path and purpose may feel as though they have vanished. You are left questioning everything you have done and worked toward, up to this point in your life.
The intuitive faculties will also take a hit. It may seem that your connection with Spirit has been completely severed. The guidance you once received will be silent.

Basically-everything will get shut-down. This happens because your energetic engine is getting a complete overhaul and it cannot be left running while this happens. But just note that, once complete, your connection will be stronger than ever. More than likely, you will also have a new team of guides working with you. This is so you can bring these higher energies through in whatever work you do. You will be more focused on your purpose and doing the work of Spirit, than ever before."
I am a small part of an infinite Universe. Sometimes, I forget that when I'm feeling scared, tired, uncomfortable, etc that things are still progressing as they should. When my part of the world is thrown off balance, sometimes, I develop tunnel vision and that is all I can see. But if I take a breath and look around, I can be reminded that there is more to the world than just me. Just taking things in bite-size pieces makes the whole thing easier to chew. Take a look around and trust that the world is indeed, still turning. My days are still full....I have love...I have friends...I have so many good things that I need to relax sometimes from my control-freakish ways and just let the changes happen as they come. RELAX....and work with what I have, instead of bemoaning what I perceive as what I've lost.
In truth, I haven't lost anything. This is all part of the process of transformation. I've gained another lesson, another reminder, and another dose of 'You're not in control, Lina...' (I need that lesson often...) Breathe deep...sit down...get comfortable. Just BE who you are for awhile. That IS my purpose in life....to just BE me. I am a Witch...an empath...a warrior...a scholar...a counselor...a healer. But sometimes....to BE all those things and much more....I have to just relax and BE me. The rest will come...in time....


  1. Sounds like that card was right on! Thanks for sharing. I, too, have seemed to lost touch with the voices and guidance that speaks to me for a while now. This makes a lot of sense!


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