
Showing posts from August, 2015

Bio-ideology and anti-Childfree fun

I was spending a little time (okay, a LOT) perusing Pinterest the other day looking for pictures or articles for my Childfree Spirit Facebook page and my Childfree Moxie blog. I came across yet another photograph of a tremendously pregnant woman and her partner with her gigantic belly exposed. It frankly made me a bit nauseous. I know lots of women who love the image of a pregnant woman, but it has never been something that I have ever found beautiful...but I digress... The pinner of said picture was 'Bio Ideology'...and they have a forum site as well called Bio Ideology (I do not believe it is an actual scientific term. It is just a way to make a pseudo pronatalistic position stand out from the others).  Curious (and clearly a glutton for aggravation and punishment) I ventured to their Pinterest page and saw many pins that followed their bio-ideological principles which are extremely pronatalistic. With much bashing of those who are Childfree, this was the description they use

Spirituality and the Seasonal Creep

Image's not time yet...wait your turn! It's amazing to me how many Pagans/ Wiccans/ Witches, etc seem to be the worst proponents of Seasonal Creep. It had actually been defined as an environmental or climate change that brought about conditions of the upcoming season sooner than usual.  Lately, in our modern culture it has taken on a new definition as retailers have begun telling us earlier and earlier that you need to shop for your holiday goodies to get the best deals, and thereby have extended the seasons. I've heard sales announced as the Christmas Creep has already begun and it is only August. What I am speaking of, however, is more like Spiritual Seasonal Creep . The condition in which Nature based religions and spirituality stop living in the moment and/or with the natural cycle and instead fast-forward toward holidays, seasons and celebrations that are coming soon. This really grinds my gears. I mean, really does... I love celebrating my wedding an