Bio-ideology and anti-Childfree fun

I was spending a little time (okay, a LOT) perusing Pinterest the other day looking for pictures or articles for my Childfree Spirit Facebook page and my Childfree Moxie blog. I came across yet another photograph of a tremendously pregnant woman and her partner with her gigantic belly exposed. It frankly made me a bit nauseous. I know lots of women who love the image of a pregnant woman, but it has never been something that I have ever found beautiful...but I digress...

The pinner of said picture was 'Bio Ideology'...and they have a forum site as well called Bio Ideology (I do not believe it is an actual scientific term. It is just a way to make a pseudo pronatalistic position stand out from the others).  Curious (and clearly a glutton for aggravation and punishment) I ventured to their Pinterest page and saw many pins that followed their bio-ideological principles which are extremely pronatalistic. With much bashing of those who are Childfree, this was the description they used to define Childfree individuals as immoral people:

"Moral people are those, who choose to fulfill their moral obligations to their family and society. Since a person exists because of his family and ancestors, he has a moral obligation to extend the family line of his ancestors. Likewise, since a person is alive because of the human society, he has moral duties to raise a child as his replacement in the society. Therefore, moral people are those, who choose to extend their family lines. People, who follow the ChildFree ideology, are immoral. " -Bio Ideology on Pinterest

So, according to bio-ideology, Childfree people are those who fail to fulfill their obligations in the social order because they are not procreating. The basic purpose of a human being is to make another human being to take it's place when it is gone. Why? Not to be 'happy' and have the next generation be 'happy' people. That actually goes against some of the basic principles of bio-ideology (at least, that's what the pinner's signature said). Here are three of the named Principles of Bio-ideology:

1) Extension of family line is the first criterion of family success
2) Contribution into the survival of human society is the second criterion of life success
3) Happiness is not an objective purpose of human existence. It is a Nature's mechanism to ensure human survival and procreation

There are more principles....over 40, I think, if I counted their memes correctly. They mostly just put the same principles through a salad spinner and put them in different order with different pictures. Some of the terms used repeatedly are: procreation, family line, society, humanity, family, individual, hedonism, survival, duty, and losers. Yes, those who are in support of being Childfree by choice are regularly referred to as 'Losers' by Bio Ideology. Not exactly the most persuasive argument, is it?

This....individual......has basically attempted to put a different spin on the standard Childfree criticisms. Most of the pictures/ memes that they use to be anti-Childfree are the same ones many of us post as we declare our satisfaction and personal happiness! Calling the Childfree 'losers' and 'immoral' while trying to make an argument for biology and moral superiority seems more like an argument a kid in middle school would make when they are trying to sound smart by mimicking the adults they've overheard. 

Comparing a lifestyle choice to a human virus that could wipe out humanity is simply an argument that does't have merit. The bio-ideology argument believes your duty is 1) to society, 2) to your family, and 3) to the individual or self-provided that the first two are in agreement with your duty to yourself as an individual.  Having FUN is the biggest sin of the Childfree, according to Bio Ideology. Enjoying your life, unless it is through the total sacrifice of the self for society and the extension of the family line, is wrong, Wrong, WRONG! Well, if being Childfree is wrong, I don't wanna be right!!!

In a world that is highly over populated with limited resources....where people continue to have children they don't want and can't afford to support...when people are being taxed and fee'd to the level of poverty....when homelessness is at an all time high and the ability of an average man or woman to support themselves on a single minimum wage job is next to impossible....Bio Ideology is one of many misinformed, mistaken, sad, small-minded people.

Bio-ideology puts quantity over quality....more people, better planet.  My choice, as a Childfree by choice woman is quality over quantity...happier people, happier world. Neither of us may be around to see whose choice seems to be the more sustainable. Choosing biology...which allows the reptilian part of our brain to focus on just on convince us that a bigger pack will lessen the chances that we are going to be eaten by a predator, is an obsolete way of thinking. We have EVOLVED beyond that point in human existence...or at least, I have. Bio-ideology can stay in their mental cave, not having any fun. I'm gonna go out and enjoy my day....happily Childfree...


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