
Showing posts from September, 2015

Pagans and the Pope

Still amazed by the number of Pagans fascinated with this Pope and the things he says and/or does. I've been told a number of times that it gives Pagans hope to hear the words of Pope Francis and his positions in reforming the Catholic church. Why? Hope for what?  What is it that you are looking for....absolution?  He has given soundbites and photo ops...small words and small gestures. He might well be a good man but he has a larger agenda that only includes YOU if you convert to Catholicism and/or become one of the faithful members of his large flock . Did you all suddenly forget WHERE he works and what he took an oath to uphold? How can you separate the man from the position he holds? The Roman Catholic church has a long history on issues that some really seem to 'want' to forget. However, I cannot forget: - Sexual Abuse -They continue to tolerate priests who are sexual abusers in the church. They move offending priests around to hide them from whatever legal charges the

Balance and Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox will be here in a few days. So what does that mean? Why should anyone care? Especially as a solitary practitioner, what influence does this have for me? Not many give deep thought to what it means beyond another reasons to get together in a circle, chant, drum, then sit and enjoy some cake and juice. It's a celebration, but for what? I don't often refer to it as Mabon anymore, as I have been trying to explore a variety of seasonal traditions rather than just the standard, Wiccan/Druid Celtic traditions. My background is Eclectic American/ Italian/ Puerto Rican. I've had trouble accepting Greek/Roman or Celtic rituals for as far back as I can remember. I am a woman born from brown-skinned people.....BUT....unlike many of my struggling friends, I can separate that from my Spiritual Self. How many lifetimes, cultures, traditions, folklores, etc have I experienced within my Spiritual Self. So, rather than lock myself in to one cultural celebration, I've b

Pregnant is NOT pretty.....

Do I dare to voice it out loud? Yes......yes I will..... I think pregnant bodies are gross. I find absolutely NOTHING attractive or even benign about a woman and her baby bump. When I see a pregnant woman, more often than not, an involuntary sneer of disgust curls my lip. Far more frequently than that, it literally causes bile to rise toward my is THAT bad. Seeing a pregnant woman literally makes me sick. Even more gross and annoying is the horrific trend that the pregnant women follow is this: Since the Vanity Fair cover of Demi Moore back in 1991, women feel a need to pose naked or at least expose their gigantic pregger baby bumps for the world to see. Now some people find the pregnant female body incredibly beautiful. Some even find it a monumental sexual turn-on! Pregnancy fetishism (also called maiesiophilia or maieusphoria) seems to be just part and parcel of the larger pro-natalism in our society. Not me thanks....*urp* really does make me utterly nauseous.