
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Lost Art of Childfree Conversation

Been away for a bit....but the struggle is still very real in the life of this Childfree woman. I find that most of my challenges come at work, where I am one of two Childfree-by-Choice individuals. Soon to be solo, as my CF counterpart is moving at the end of the summer. However, that person does contribute to the issue as she's not as devoutly CF as I am. She's especially fond of our coworker's children and has spent much time with them. Me? Despite being there nearly a year, I find I am no closer to the gang than when I started. The reason for the lack of connection, at least for me, has a lot to do with COMMUNICATION. No matter where we are, when we gather, or for what purpose....the topic almost ALWAYS runs to children. We recently had a staff meeting where a coworker's pregnancy was announced and you'd have thought she announced that she had won the Powerball lottery! There was whooping, hollering...even crying. What I found most ridiculous about the