
Showing posts from September, 2018

Good Will Come From It

I've been busy, as usual, living and loving the work I do; guiding and people out of homelessness and back to stable lives that they can enjoy once again. There have been some changes with the staff hierarchy, and it's really challenged me personally and professionally. A coworker, who has been on the job several months less than me, was recently promoted over me. It was a hit to the ego that I wrestled with every day for many weeks. She is smart, competent and I think she'll do great at the job. However, my first thought was, 'What about me?'! I'm hard-working, dynamic, enthusiastic, intelligent, effective, reliable, consistent and somehow, all that didn't seem to pay off with the kind of advancement I had hoped for. I went deep into self-reflection, knowing they told me before that they recognized my strengths, wanted me for the long haul and could see advancement in my future. I chided myself for being bitchy, but still felt the sting of not bein