Good Will Come From It

I've been busy, as usual, living and loving the work I do; guiding and people out of homelessness and back to stable lives that they can enjoy once again. There have been some changes with the staff hierarchy, and it's really challenged me personally and professionally.

A coworker, who has been on the job several months less than me, was recently promoted over me. It was a hit to the ego that I wrestled with every day for many weeks. She is smart, competent and I think she'll do great at the job. However, my first thought was, 'What about me?'! I'm hard-working, dynamic, enthusiastic, intelligent, effective, reliable, consistent and somehow, all that didn't seem to pay off with the kind of advancement I had hoped for. I went deep into self-reflection, knowing they told me before that they recognized my strengths, wanted me for the long haul and could see advancement in my future. I chided myself for being bitchy, but still felt the sting of not being the one they chose for that position. For the moment, it seems the only place to go in the possible line of promotion for the work I do. Adding fuel to that fire, were the grumblings of another co-worker, who had only been with us a couple of months, but who was openly resentful of the promotion and how it closed the door for her possible advancement. I love my job, so I had to somehow make peace with this situation and move forward.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to be the Case Manager off site of the main campus at the new housing opening soon. They've been looking to hire more people, but they hadn't found anyone yet and wanted a strong, experienced presence to set the foundation for the residents. I was asked if I would consider it because of all the qualities I have that I'd mentioned earlier.  I'd never looked at that position in the program as a step up, more like a step out.  I felt panicked, as if I were being isolated from the main campus which is the hub of all activity (and possible advancement?). That concerned me, but I needed to weigh my options. Was I being pushed out, merely asked to do them a favor temporarily or was this a test on a more Cosmic level?

I looked for guidance in a place I often go to online, The Daily Motivator. There is not a time when I needed inspiration that this amazing site by Ralph Marston has not delivered for me. I went to the page and title of the daily post was Good Can Come From It. In a few moments I was reading this post and my resentment vanished. I still needed to consider my options about the position, but now I allowed myself have a different perspective. Feeling like a weight had lifted and with confidence in myself and my skills, I accepted the assignment. The agreement was that I will get the program running and stable until the end of the year and they will hire/train another person to take over for me. I'm taking this time to be optimistic about the possibilities I can create here. 

This assignment, while not what I would have chosen for myself, could be an opportunity for me to learn, grow and adapt another skill set that would add to my experience. The Universe has shifted and I believe this is something I need to do and learn from.  I also was prompted by this to pursue another long standing goal, getting certified as a Life Coach, which I have now begun. I am creating my future, not just waiting for someone to tell me when or how I can have it. The promotion was not meant for me, but it is not the only position of advancement in this organization. I have to have more faith in myself and create the circumstances that will help me reach my goals. me work...


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