
Showing posts from February, 2013

I've Got the Body of a Goddess

  When I say I’m ‘fat’…I mean it. It’s not just some ridiculous, self-indulgent, passive, attention-whore way to get validation from someone next to me so they will be moved to tell me that I’m not. (Worse than that is when someone who clearly weighs about 100 pounds tells me how fat THEY are.) What’s grinding my gears today is about the way that plus-sized women show themselves and feel about themselves. I struggle with this all the time. While my hubby met me at my current size and loves every curve I own, the rest of society does not share that feeling. It’s a struggle to feel good about myself while living and working in a world that just thrives on telling you how to feel, eat, think, live and look.  Combine this with a life as a middle-aged woman and all that it entails and I’ve definitely got my work cut out for me! Since I entered puberty, I have had large breasts. Seriously….I was a 32B when I was about 11 years old. We speak nowadays about girls maturing physically at younger

Magick in the Mundane World-Know Thyself

It amazes me how many people miss the truly magickal moments in life. It is a sad and sometimes frustrating truth that people live their lives like a television show. They expect the sacred and special moments of life to arrive with a thunderbolt and really cool theme music. I am as guilty of this as the next person. Just because I walk the path of a Witch/Wiccan/Pagan, doesn’t mean that in my day-to-day life when I’m stressed from work, annoyed with my husband, or sick with a cold that I catch every bit of spiritual oomph in my life! I’m human and therefore, fallible.  I occasionally trip over a root or limp with a stone in my shoe as I walk down my road. In clearer moments, I recognize the threads of magick and embrace whatever lesson is there for me that continues to draw me forward. Sometimes, I need a bit of help seeing what is right in front of me. Goddess has graciously provided an occasional cosmic smack to the back of my head more than once when I am about to walk away blindl