Magick in the Mundane World-Know Thyself

It amazes me how many people miss the truly magickal moments in life. It is a sad and sometimes frustrating truth that people live their lives like a television show. They expect the sacred and special moments of life to arrive with a thunderbolt and really cool theme music. I am as guilty of this as the next person. Just because I walk the path of a Witch/Wiccan/Pagan, doesn’t mean that in my day-to-day life when I’m stressed from work, annoyed with my husband, or sick with a cold that I catch every bit of spiritual oomph in my life! I’m human and therefore, fallible.  I occasionally trip over a root or limp with a stone in my shoe as I walk down my road. In clearer moments, I recognize the threads of magick and embrace whatever lesson is there for me that continues to draw me forward. Sometimes, I need a bit of help seeing what is right in front of me. Goddess has graciously provided an occasional cosmic smack to the back of my head more than once when I am about to walk away blindly from something important.

By ‘important’, I do not necessarily mean something that comes with a light show and a full orchestra to announce itself. Magick is the awareness, life force and connection to the energies in all worlds. What I find beautiful are the things that weave throughout the tapestry of Life, and when I sense that beauty, I am filled with Joy. When I am aware of what fills my senses, alert and accepting, then my heart gently plucks on those threads in the web that connects all worlds. That energy vibrates and is felt by others, even if they are not aware of where those vibrations came from. Next, it becomes the choice of someone else to be aware, accept or reject what comes to them. Seriously, this is not an easy thing to do or remember when you’re late for a meeting, have a flat tire or fighting a migraine among countless other diversions. So….what to do about it?

First of all-Know thyself. Or at least begin to get to know thyself. Taking a personal inventory is a good way to begin and often, is the hardest step. The very qualities about us that we treasure which set us apart from others, can also be the things that limit our vision. Finding the sacred in the ordinary requires a shift in perception. The strength we rely on can mask insecurity; gentle speech can be the starvation of self-acceptance; harried and frenetic energy skates across fear of solitude. In plainer terms-sometimes, we get in our own way. Why do we not see more magick in the world? Quite often our own actions lead us away from magick. We are afraid to see things directly, and so we skate around the fringes, trying to catch everything in our peripheral sight. We long for more, but not sure of what our own abilities are, we sit along the sidelines, never fully getting into the game.

My own fence-walking kept me away from magick for a long time. I do not subscribe completely to the ‘peace and light’ way of living. It is not who I am or what I do. It takes all kinds…does it not? The world is a wildly diverse place and in embracing magick, there are many paths to God/Goddess. You don’t have to fit into someone else’s idea of how to live and walk your own spiritual path. Your connection to the world and your relationship to God/Goddess is your own. I have learned from and been guided by many others, but my path is as unique as myself and I strive to balance Light and Dark.  As I said, I am fallible. Ever changing, growing, learning…I cannot change what I want to about myself, if I do not first own it. Wherever and whenever I come to terms with myself, there I also find God/Goddess.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What moves me might not move another and vice versa. Where in the mundane world do I find my own magick? I chuckle as I write this…for there are a million examples of simple things that no one writing a movie script would ever consider ‘magickal’.  I will give examples, though…for in the mundane world, they are many and easy to miss. Watching my cat sleep in the sun, sniffing a freshly opened can/bag of coffee, kicking my shoes off as soon as I get in the house, brightly colored anything, laughing hard with my friends, stepping into a steamy shower, swing dancing, finding a really cool pen at the dollar store, sitting on the sand and listening to the ocean, sliding into my comfy pj’s, playing with my hair and makeup, getting a new book, singing aloud to an awesome tune on the radio on my way to work, smelling a new box of crayons, eating a piece of chocolate cheesecake, etc. What did you say? Where is the ritual, the chanting, the candles, the tools, etc? Why friends…EVERYTHING can be magickal if you choose to make it so. Because the only thing you really need to experience magick in the world is YOU.

Where is your joy, your wonder, your curiosity? What makes you excited? What gives you butterflies or that tingly feeling? What makes you look up or look around? What makes you reach out or dive in? The Great Secret is…there is no secret! Mind, Body, and Spirit….Magick is within YOU…always has been, and always will be.
The finest example of this I can share is The Charge of the Goddess by Doreen Valiente. Bright Blessings my friends! May you have a truly Magickal day…


  1. The fact that there is a whole fragrant flower folded up inside a bulb is one thing that fills me with wonder and curiosity. I love this post, it is said stirringly.

  2. What an awesome post, funny and thought it :o)


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