
Showing posts from June, 2013

SLoTAW blog and mini-update

Just wanted to share the link to another little contribution I made for Kallan Kennedy's fabulous Sunday Stew! My post this week is a little about living with those of different beliefs. My husband, as it turns out, is an atheist. I, clearly, am not...ha! I am a spiritual being who may used the title Wiccan, Pagan, or Witch interchangeably. Please go to Kallan's blog and check out my blurb...and while you are there, please take the time to read all of the wonderful articles by the other contributors, too! They are wonderful writers and it makes me so happy to be a small bit of flavor in the Sunday Stew! And no...I didn't forget Part 3 of my 'Stop, Look, and Listen' series. It's coming soon, I promise...along with more blurbs I've had some great ideas for! If you have some ideas of topics that you'll like me to write on, please feel free to leave a comment, email me, or leave a message on my Facebook page.  In the meantime, please click the link below and

Secret Life of the American Witch

Kallan Kennedy is one of my absolute heroes on the blog-o-sphere. I have been so excited to find her blog and also to follow her daily life on Facebook. Kallan is exactly who I strive to get to know...someone who embraces a variety of people who embrace a variety of spiritual paths and practices. She brings together these fabulous folks into her very own cauldron, let them simmer and bubble...and TADA! The Sunday Stew is formed...a delicious dish for everyone's spirit! I was recently very, VERY honored that Kallan asked me to be a contributor to her fabulous blog- Secret Life of the American Witch (the not-so-unusual world of a modern pagan). To me, Kallan is a mentor who lets me know that I am able to write about the things that are important to me. Her pursuit of contributors has been so wonderful, because it's a gathering you won't likely find anywhere else! The contributors change occasionally as daily life permits them time to join in, so the Stew is always delicious b