
Showing posts from September, 2013

My Mid-Stride Soundtrack Vol. 1

Music is such an incredibly huge part of my life....and of many other peoples lives, actually. I found myself thinking about songs that I used to listen to when I was a kid. Sometimes I didn't care much about the lyrics, I just thought (as the kids on American Bandstand used to say) 'It's got a good beat!'. I listen to an eclectic mix of artists and genres depending on my mood of the day (or moment). Sometimes I need something a bit mellow, sometimes fluffy and upbeat, sometimes carefree and danceable, and sometimes truly psycho-needs-to-vent sort of music. There are many reasons...but all music moves me. And that is what I need. Especially now when I am being told I'm too old to listen to certain genres without appearing to be on a desperate course to regain my lost youth (oh puleeze!). I don't want to limit what I like to the mullet-era of Classic Rock, nor am I stuck in the polyester, big shouldered jackets of my disco days. I do like a lot of what is now con

Mabon-The Balancing Act

Welcome and Bright Blessings! This blurp is part of the special Mabon/Autumn Equinox edition of Kallan Kennedy's fabulous Sunday Stew! There is much Spirit nourishing goodness there and I tell you that the rest of the Stew is always fabulous!  Please visit them all at  The Secret Life of the American Witch! img src-Magickal Moonie's Sanctuary on Facebook Mabon (or the Autumnal Equinox) is a time where day and night are of equal length. At this Second harvest we gather and get a clearer picture of what we have which will sustain us through the coming Winter. It is the time of contemplation and giving thanks. We are grateful for what we have, but ponder how we will make it through the dark days ahead. We celebrate the abundance that comes from our hard work but must acknowledge what is left to be done. For those of us who are not farmers and don’t live as close to the earth, I am talking of the spiritual balance we seek as the light of the year is conquered by the darkness. Real

News and Mabon blessings!

Good day friends! Well, the change of season is upon us once more!As you can see, the blog has had a little change in appearance to reflect the time of year. I am filled with so much energy with the approach of Mabon that I can barely contain my excitement! It feels as if there is a build up of energy in me and I am just waiting for Goddess to flip the switch tomorrow and announce 'Fall is here!'. I was thinking of trying something a little different. I get questions ALL day long all the time on a variety of subjects. From my spiritual practices, to my tattoos, my diabetes, make up tips, my gray hair, etc...folks actually ask for my opinion (some should know better, but hey....they asked!). So, coming soon I will be starting a monthly opinion piece titled, 'Ask MS Moxie'. Call it the modern day version of Ann Landers.... All posts will be anonymous so never fear that I will out you. It can be serious or funny...deep thinkers and mildly curious queries are all welcome! I

Sunday Stew blurp-Spiritual Comfort Zones

**This is continued from a blurp on the Sunday Stew from Kallan Kennedy's blog! Go and find the rest of the Stew here:  The Secret Life of the American Witch Many of us came to our spiritual paths as a way to feel more connected to the world around us and to try to bring something positive into the world. For those seeking a more meaningful and fulfilling life and who want to become more enlightened beings…a ‘spiritual comfort zone’ is more like a cosmic rut. That which comes easiest, that which you are accustomed to and accomplished in are wonderful foundations but they are not that which will help you grow and develop along your chosen path. Activities outside of your comfort zone should be things which inspire you or things you’ve never tried before. What is the ultimate goal? It is to dare, to challenge ourselves to face the doubt and fear of the unknown. It is to grow in confidence and master yourself. Make no mistake, even those who have been walking spiritual paths for many

New blurp at Sunday Stew!

Good Sunday friends! Once again I direct your attention to The Secret Life of the American Witch! I have submitted a little blurp for Kallan's delicious Stew but as always, my contribution is just one small part. Please come and enjoy the entire'll be ever so glad you did! The Secret Life of the American Witch!

Mid-Stride Rant- Get Over Yourself!!!

I am 48 years old…not 18…not 28…not even 38.  With the current female life expectancy in the United States being 81 years of age, I am past the mark of ‘middle-age’. That gives me a certain amount of world and life experience that entitles me to speak with some authority on a variety of topics in my life. The reason I created this blog was to be able to talk about things that matter to me at this stage in my life. In this blog, I talk about how I feel about different issues related to my life, family, spirituality, the world, my neighborhood, hobbies, interests, etc. I can talk about food, music, books, jewelry, makeup, health and it’s all from the mind and perspective of a middle-aged woman who is entitled to the freedom to express herself. Those assorted ideologies were developed and based on a life lived as a fairly responsible, honest, thoughtful, productive, passionate and compassionate human being. Much of my professional life has been acting as an advocate for and in service to

New Stew...

Friends, you know how much I love Kallan Kennedy's wonderful blog, The Secret Life of the American Witch! Once again I am honored to be included in the wonderful, Sunday Stew! There are so many fabulous chefs involved, that you really need to come check it out! The Secret Life of the American Witch! Fall is nearly upon come over and see how the Stew Crew is welcoming in the month of September!