Sunday Stew blurp-Spiritual Comfort Zones

**This is continued from a blurp on the Sunday Stew from Kallan Kennedy's blog! Go and find the rest of the Stew here: 

Many of us came to our spiritual paths as a way to feel more connected to the world around us and to try to bring something positive into the world. For those seeking a more meaningful and fulfilling life and who want to become more enlightened beings…a ‘spiritual comfort zone’ is more like a cosmic rut. That which comes easiest, that which you are accustomed to and accomplished in are wonderful foundations but they are not that which will help you grow and develop along your chosen path. Activities outside of your comfort zone should be things which inspire you or things you’ve never tried before. What is the ultimate goal? It is to dare, to challenge ourselves to face the doubt and fear of the unknown. It is to grow in confidence and master yourself. Make no mistake, even those who have been walking spiritual paths for many years can get into a ‘spiritual comfort zone’. This is not about knowledge, this is about the way you practice your spiritual beliefs and live your spiritual life. Everyone can get stuck in a rut, and sometimes the most learned among us just can’t seem to get out of their own way…

‘Spiritual comfort zones’ tell us who we are but not who we may yet become. They keep us in one spot, believing we are doing ‘something’ but not revealing the lack of personal or spiritual progress. We read all sorts of books but only put 10% into practice. We join online groups but only interact with 20% of the people in the group. We get opportunities to express what we know and we say ‘It’s not a good time’ to participate. We have a million excuses why we can’t try something new or different, but that’s all they really are….excuses! We hide in familiar shadows lest our flaws be exposed to the light. Inside our ‘spiritual comfort zone’ we feel safe and accepted. We are just knowledgeable enough and from the safety behind our computer monitors and smart phones, we can engage with others without really risking too much by getting too close. If someone else finds out we really don’t know as much as they do, the fear is that to do so might present a very awkward situation. Instead of looking at this as an opportunity to learn, we run from the potential embarrassment of not being the smartest Witch in the room.
The real problem is that ‘spiritual comfort zones’ are just unhealthy. They impede our progress and our energy is blocked or depressed. Even if we do attempt to do some healing or magickal work, our energy so low that often what we do not have satisfactory results. We give up on ourselves. Our lives and our energy become stagnant. Then others around us notice that change, and they wisely avoid us in fear of the contamination it may bring to their energy fields. We owe it, not only to ourselves, but to our fellow beings, to be as physically and spiritually healthy as we can be. This is part of that maintenance. And the truth is my beloved spiritual partners….you only get out of a ‘comfort zone’ by first getting uncomfortable and challenging your norms.

What ways can YOU move a bit further out of your ‘spiritual comfort zone’? First, consider your sources of information. Who do you admire in the Pagan/Wiccan community? Send emails, messages, or dare I say it…Fan Letters! Learn more about them and how they walk their paths. Perhaps ask someone if they would mentor you! Take a chance and let someone get to know you and work with you! Second-CHANGE something you are doing now. One of the biggest mind and soul-numbing activities is ‘routine’ and/or ‘habits’. Shake things up a little…one little change at first…and keep going till your Spirit feels satisfied! Do ritual work during the day instead of at night! Move your altar to a different part of the room. Work with different colors than the ones you always work with. Change leads to change…and this can be very good for you. Third-Do something or go somewhere you normally would not go. Use all of your senses to take in the energies around you and keep a journal of all your new discoveries. Fourth-identify the way you distract and/or sabotage yourself. Do you watch too much TV? Are you unorganized? Do you have a million unfinished projects lying around? Are you reading books so much that you don’t even get out of the house? Look around and think about how you tend to keep yourself from being able to do the things that will challenge your spirit and let you enjoy new growth.

Finally, speak to God, Goddess, or whatever you may call the Creator and ask to be guided toward new spiritual growth. Meditate or just sit quietly and relax. Let your mind drift on the bigger, beautiful picture of yourself in the world and why you love it! I have never been disappointed when I ask Goddess for a spiritual boost. It may not come in a form I am familiar with initially, but I recognize when there is something new and different being presented to me to learn and grow from. That alone is new and exciting and I am blessed to have experienced that many times. I wish to know about ways that you have challenged yourself to grow beyond your boundaries. Please share your stories. You may very well be the catalyst that propels me on my next spiritual growth spurt…and I hope you are!!


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