
Showing posts from April, 2015

Don't Wear Beige...

Hello Lovebugs!! Hope you're enjoying the change of seasons the way I am! I'm loving the sunshine outside and the warm breeze blowing through my windows. I was out and about yesterday (after tending to those nasty household chores) and treated myself to a mani-pedi. It's been awhile for the pedi (poor girl...I tipped her well for her struggle with my feet) but it got me thinking about the spring and warm weather fashions. As always, I have difficulty finding what I need in the brick-and-mortar stores. I don't have as much trouble finding clothing that fits my 22/24/26 body anymore. The trouble comes when I see what's available and I get 'The Look'. Some of you mid-lifers may know what I'm talking about. 'The Look' is when sales clerks or other store patrons see you looking at fashions they think are 'too young' for you. This sends many women scurrying out of many a shop feeling shamed and discouraged. Not me.... It's tough enough bein...

Coffee Klatsch! Spring Cleaning and Mundane Magick

Good Morning, friends! I'm overdue for a Coffee Klatsch! So much going on it's hard to pick just one topic, so let's chat about LOTS of things! Grab yer's a beautiful day! Spring! Spring! Spring! At last....I am treated to the sounds of the birds singing their songs in the early morning and late evening. I am treated to bright sunshine and milder temperatures. My Seasonal Affective Disorder has gone back into hiding for the most part. It occasionally rears it's head on colder, rainy days, but it is much easier for me to handle than when the Winter is fully upon us. My energy and mood are up and that means I can finally get things done! So Spring Cleaning and de-cluttering are well underway here at the Thomas household! This is no easy task for me. I am a (recovering) packrat and child of a packrat who also was a child during the Depression. Many of the anxieties in me about 'stuff' have been handed down through my mom. Old, inherited habits are ha...