Coffee Klatsch! Spring Cleaning and Mundane Magick

Good Morning, friends! I'm overdue for a Coffee Klatsch! So much going on it's hard to pick just one topic, so let's chat about LOTS of things! Grab yer's a beautiful day!

Spring! Spring! Spring! At last....I am treated to the sounds of the birds singing their songs in the early morning and late evening. I am treated to bright sunshine and milder temperatures. My Seasonal Affective Disorder has gone back into hiding for the most part. It occasionally rears it's head on colder, rainy days, but it is much easier for me to handle than when the Winter is fully upon us. My energy and mood are up and that means I can finally get things done!

So Spring Cleaning and de-cluttering are well underway here at the Thomas household! This is no easy task for me. I am a (recovering) packrat and child of a packrat who also was a child during the Depression. Many of the anxieties in me about 'stuff' have been handed down through my mom. Old, inherited habits are hard to break.....but NOT impossible. I recognize and own those parts of myself that could potentially be hoarder-ish. I have an easier time letting go of 'things' than I do of 'paper'. I am working on it a little bit every day. 
Trying to cull my clutter was already a task well underway. My hubby and I are slowly but surely working toward our goal to move to the Southern California Coast. The main clutter area for my hubby is his BOOKS. We are not Kindle or e-reader people...we're old school and quite happy that way. We are voracious readers who like the feeling of turning a real page and the weight of a book balanced in our palm. Hubby has a fondness for large, coffee-table books which tend to take up a LOT of space. However, I'm very proud of him because he has done a magnificent job of letting go of many books and making room. It motivates me to push further and let go of more than I would normally be willing to do. This move to California is going to be done right, and I don't want to take anything with me I don't LOVE or have a good use for. I adore pretty things, but what I'm getting rid of now are things I'm not in love with anymore. And so, my Stuff and I  must break up so I can move on to a home by the beach...

It's all about Death and Rebirth, isn't it? Our transition....winter to spring...which leads to all this Spring the end and beginning of another cycle. Winter is over and we survived. What we have left are the dregs, the husks, the broken bits and crumbs from those things that carried us through. All that we hunkered down with to ride out the Winter has served us well.Now, we honor it, give thanks for all it gave us, and let it go. Like the Death Card in the Tarot, this is about endings and beginnings of all things mental, physical and spiritual. We must clear the grounds for new seeds to sprout! One door is closing and another is opening and we all are at the crossroads. We must conclude our issues of the past in order to move forward. Like my de-cluttering, this is about eliminating the excess and the unsuccessful aspects of my life in order to move forward. This can mean taking action to part with people, beliefs, lifestyle choices and 'stuff'. 
Many traditional Death Cards are deep and scary, leading to more anxiety about this transition period of our lives. However, I love the image from Kipling's  Halloween Tarot above; not scary at all, is it? It doesn't need to be! This is just another cycle of LIFE and when we clear the way of what isn't serving us, we make room for those things that will! Learn to roll with the cycles of life and you will come to know real BALANCE. Many people mistake mundane tasks as being non-magickal....and to them I say: If you believe that, then YOU don't know what real magick is...

Magick is every part of who I am, what I feel and what I do. There is as much power in throwing away old papers, filling a bag of old clothes for donation, as there is in washing my hands, lighting a candle, and speaking incantations. When our ancestors celebrated the seasons, they were creating magick....wearing their regular clothes, eating their everyday food, going about their regular activities. All of it was full of mindfulness of how to live in balance of what nourished and sustained as well as honoring the gods. Every box of books I prepare to donate is imbued with positive energy and a prayer that their next owner is blessed with happiness while reading them, just as we were. Leave a blessing....receive a blessing. Believe the magick is everywhere and you will see it everywhere and in everything...

Well, my coffee mug is empty (gasp!) so I will let this go here. I'm so excited about this period in my life. As exhausted as I find the experience at times, it is rewarding. Sorting through papers yesterday left me overwhelmed by memories and shedding many the end of the day, I felt lighter and more free to move forward toward all the possibilities in store for us. Action conquers fear...and a little bit of de-cluttering every day will get me where I need to go...feeling a little braver with every old paper I toss.... BB


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