
Showing posts from May, 2015

Go West, Jersey Witch!!!

Good Morning! Well, it's morning where I'm at....and that means time for a cup of my favorite beverage and some chat with you! I've got some fabulous news and I'm eager to get started! For some time now, I've been talking about the plans my hubby and I had for moving out to Southern California in order to be closer to the beach on a year-round basis. While he does not share my spiritual beliefs and/or practices, we both agree that the closer we are to the ocean, the more peaceful and centered we feel. It is a place of healing and happiness for us, and while we both love my home state of New Jersey, we also can't take another winter in the North East. On a spiritual note, I should add that Yemaya and the spirits of the sea have been nudging and telling me for some time now that I need to be closer to the ocean as I move forward on my path. So, I prepared to find a place to live. I knew that we had a little money in the bank from a small inheritance after my mom d

CF End of School Year Pros and Cons

Oh's coming... The end of the school year and summer vacation... Yes, indeed....for the Childfree, it can be a mixed blessing that your friends, family and coworkers with kids now must focus on finding something to do with their sprogs once the schools shut down for the summer months. I've been trying to go over the pros and cons of summer vacation from a Childfree perspective and wanted to share my thoughts with you: Pro: Traffic will be lighter.  Without getting stuck behind every single school bus on my way to work, the morning commute won't be such a headache and perhaps we'll even get better gas mileage. Con: MORE work for US. As parental units now whine about their need to come in late, leave early, and take time off to watch their bundles of joy because their state sponsored babysitters are away for a few months, someone has to manage to keep things going in the office, right? Pro: Some of my more annoying coworkers (the one's that still refer

Cool New Tarot and Creative Funding Projects

Hello Friends! I know....I've been bad....I haven't posted nearly as often as I intended! There are lots of changes happening (more on those at another time) but I'm here now and ready to get into a topic that I absolutely adore: TAROT! I have many Tarot decks....though certainly not as many as some and not as many as I would like! But Tarot has always fascinated me and been one of my favorite forms of divination and guidance. The meanings of the cards can provide the most simple and direct form of guidance....or it can be the most savory, complex layered reading that covers every aspect of your past, present and future. Additionally, I love the abundance of art that you can have in the palm of your hand, as well as how the traditional images of Tarot inspire other artistic creations. Tarot has become a favorite medium for many budding artists and collaborations of established ones. Tarot provides a way of getting creative, exploring a variety of themes, colors and conditio