CF End of School Year Pros and Cons

Oh's coming... The end of the school year and summer vacation...

Yes, indeed....for the Childfree, it can be a mixed blessing that your friends, family and coworkers with kids now must focus on finding something to do with their sprogs once the schools shut down for the summer months. I've been trying to go over the pros and cons of summer vacation from a Childfree perspective and wanted to share my thoughts with you:

Pro: Traffic will be lighter.  Without getting stuck behind every single school bus on my way to work, the morning commute won't be such a headache and perhaps we'll even get better gas mileage.

Con: MORE work for US. As parental units now whine about their need to come in late, leave early, and take time off to watch their bundles of joy because their state sponsored babysitters are away for a few months, someone has to manage to keep things going in the office, right?

Pro: Some of my more annoying coworkers (the one's that still refer to their 2 year old as 'the baby' instead of calling her by her name) will be taking time off because their daycare will be closed for a few weeks. Blessed peace and quiet.....

Con: Annoying coworker will return with two weeks worth of stories about 'the baby' and will spew them out, without warning, anytime you take a pause to breathe....

Pro: Though it is extended for summer, my neighborhood has a curfew for kids that they enforce. (Thank tax dollars finally at work for ME!)

Con: Neighborhood hooligans (teens and tweens) will be out in full force right up to curfew and then will go home and make so much noise there that it will still sound like they are right on the corner outside my house...

And a couple more Cons:

Con: Kids and their reluctant parental units will be on the beaches, in the malls, at the restaurants. the movie theaters....everywhere that parents normally don't want to spend time with them (nor do I), but are forced to because school is out.

Con: My normally quiet downstairs neighbors will now have their grandkids for mos of the summer. Which translates to the sound of stampeding elephants, slamming doors, and yelling across the house instead of getting up to go speak to someone... ALL which can be heard in my apartment directly above them.

Con: When seeing a child running about doing dangerous things with no appropriate adult/parental supervision, at a public pool or the like. I must keep focused and remember one thing: My only obligation is to just to give a statement to management, an insurance company agent, or the police and tell them exactly how neglectful the parents actually were...

Anyhoo....that's enough of that. No matter what the temporary Cons are, they are not nearly bad enough to EVER make me change my mind about having children! I'll fight for my rights as a Childfree by Choice adult and still have an awesome summer vacation! What are some of your thoughts on summer vacations as a CF by choice?

And for those of you who really want to enjoy your summer (and not share the goodness with anyone under 21), here's a link to some recipes for Adult-Only Popsicles.....Adult-Only Popsicle Recipes
Mimosa Popsicle
Strawberry Margarita Popsicle
Strawberry Peach Vodka Popsicle


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