Go West, Jersey Witch!!!

Good Morning! Well, it's morning where I'm at....and that means time for a cup of my favorite beverage and some chat with you! I've got some fabulous news and I'm eager to get started!

For some time now, I've been talking about the plans my hubby and I had for moving out to Southern California in order to be closer to the beach on a year-round basis. While he does not share my spiritual beliefs and/or practices, we both agree that the closer we are to the ocean, the more peaceful and centered we feel. It is a place of healing and happiness for us, and while we both love my home state of New Jersey, we also can't take another winter in the North East. On a spiritual note, I should add that Yemaya and the spirits of the sea have been nudging and telling me for some time now that I need to be closer to the ocean as I move forward on my path.

So, I prepared to find a place to live. I knew that we had a little money in the bank from a small inheritance after my mom died in 2012, and then when my father died in 2013. It would be just enough for a fresh start for my hubby and I. We don't want much...not a house...just an apartment for us and the cats. The only criteria was that we had to be at least 15-20 minutes from the beach, with necessary shops close, and near public transportation (bus or train) so we could get to a job easily. What we really want is to be close to the ocean....just that is enough for both of us.

Yemanya and Our Lady of Candelaria
I was a Witch on a mission. I planned to fly with a friend out to San Diego, with the intention of looking for an apartment. On May 24th, my dear friend and mentor, Carolina of Bruja Carolina was offering a service for the Blessed Mothers- Yemanya/Yemaya and Our Lady of Candelaria. The timing was perfect! (Side note- I seriously recommend Carolina's services. I've participated in them before and they are really wonderful! I'm blessed to have found her and have her as a spiritual guide and mentor.) I made sure that I made my petitions to the Blessed Mothers to help me find a safe and affordable apartment for my hubby, me and our cats near the ocean. On Monday morning, my friend and I flew out of the Philly airport...I found an apartment in Oceanside, CA on Thursday morning...and I flew back to New Jersey on Friday. We are moving at the end of June....WOW!

Scary, exciting, anxiety provoking....oh yes, ALL of that! Mostly this is a new chapter in our lives and we are getting ready to turn that page. But FIRST.....all of the mundane stuff: movers, cleaning, packing, notifying landlord, boss, banks, insurance, etc.  There is plenty of non-fun stuff to do, but we knew that. I could easily go into a panic attack if I wanted to, but I'm just taking this one day at a time. To try to do it all at once would be insane....so why make myself nuts? I'll just do what I can each day and go from there. So much to do, so little time....

This is more to me than just the power of prayer...of magick manifested....this is about the power of CHANGE. From the moment we decided to make the move 2,757.5 miles across country, we have heard all sorts of negative feedback from the fearful, the trapped, the resentful and regretful. What this move is about for ME....more than anything, is that it is NOT too late to change your life, at any stage, if you are willing to work for it. Earlier this year, I finally finished and received my Bachelor's degree...after being out of college for over 20 years! If you had asked me 10 years ago if it was possible, I would have grimaced and probably said no....or come up with a million (bad) excuses why I couldn't do it.

Well, times change....I changed....and I did it. I put the same principles into action for the move. I petitioned the Blessed Mothers...but the footwork in looking for a place was MY responsibility. Ever hear this old joke?  "A man prays to God every night, 'Please God, let me win the lottery!Please....just let me win the lottery!!' God eventually replies to the man, 'It would help if you bought a ticket first.'" Yup....I bought my ticket, prayed, and I will be moving to California in one month.

Is there hard work ahead? Of course there is! I hate packing and moving! It's exhausting! BUT...the reward far outweighs the aching back, so I will buy some extra Advil and suck it up! I'm moving closer down the road to being a true Sea Witch instead of a landlocked one. There is so much I'm going to be learning and experiencing....I'm so excited! This will not just influence my spiritual practice, but I think my professional as well. I want to be an example to people who feel trapped or settled in life that it's NEVER too late to make the changes that will make you happy.

The trouble with the Eeyore's in life is that they look at the cloud, but never see the rainbow from the sun peeking behind it. It's almost like they feel they deserve their shitty life because they made a bad decision to settle for it in the first place! I don't believe that....life is all about CHANGE....and I'm going to try to be a role model that being over 40 doesn't mean you stop living. Do I know exactly what I want to do or have all the answers? Hell no! But it doesn't mean I'm not gonna go out there and find where my next journey is heading! Plenty of life in this Witch!

There will be more to come as this move gets closer....and just wait till they get a load of ME!!! Stay tuned friends.....


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