Elemental Approach to Spring Cleaning

Hello Moxie clan! It's been a couple of months since last I blogged. Life on SoCal coast is wonderful but it has required some adjustment for this Jersey Witch! Mentally, physically and spiritually I have had many experiences and growing pains in the past few months. Now that I finally feel ready to come back here to blog, it seemed more than appropriate to address new ways of Spring Cleaning.
Spring Cleaning goes way beyond sweeping and airing out your house. As I've learned, moving from the East Coast to the West Coast, a change in season doesn't necessarily require staying indoors to avoid snow, ice or generally freezing to death. The average temperature here has been around 64 degrees this winter. So, how do I adjust Spring Cleaning magickally? Let's do this by the Elements...

AIR: Yes.....open those windows and let the breezes play as they move through your home.  What if you live in an apartment with no windows? Make or use a hand fan and focus your energies. Starting at your main doorway, fan along every wall, counter-clockwise and imagine all the stagnant, negative energies leaving your home and blow them out the door! Take a deep breath...hold it...and release and negative, stressful energies leaving your body with your exhaled breath...

FIRE: Light a candle...walk around your home and let the power of fire in the candle bless your home. For those not able to do this, you can use a flashlight....yes, you can! Flashlights are called 'torches' after all...and this is also a safer method to use the spark (from batteries!) of fire with the intentions you provide. Good way to introduce young witches to the ritual of Spring Cleaning without worrying about them dropping it or burning themselves. **Leave no candles unattended...EVER!!!
Spring Cleaning this year, for me, involves more a change of thought and spiritual practice. As a Sea-Witch in training, I've been incorporating more water-based magick. I know many feel the easiest way to cleanse energies in a space is to burn sage or incense and cleanse with smoke. However, as many others are, I have become very sensitive to smoke and cannot use that method as I once did.
Sea, Salted, Herb, Essential Oil, Crystal-charged, Florida, Moon, Rain, Storm, Lake, River, Stream, etc.....all are able to be used for the purpose of cleaning in the home. I have a spray bottle I use in my home with Florida Water, Rain Water, and a Quartz Crystal to purify and cleanse the energy in my home. Finally, every window and door frame is blessed with Water mixed with an essential oil to attune with the energies I want to draw in and those I wish to keep out.

EARTH: When all the other cleaning is done be sure to clear the path to your door. Tend to indoor plants by feeding, pruning and re-potting them. Sprinkle salt (perhaps mixed with Rosemary or other protective herbs) around your home for protection and blessings. Bring in flowers to brighten and bless the indoors. Create a little Zen garden with stones and sand. Fill a bowl with salt and place your crystals in for energy cleansing.

I love Spring Cleaning, not because I love to clean, but because it is a period of self-evaluation. What needs to be incorporated into my home? What needs to be removed or changed? Where is my path leading me and how can I address this in my magickal cleaning? Keep in mind any cultural traditions that could be used to cleanse and bless your home. Above all, approach Spring Cleaning with positive energy and enthusiasm. When you remove what is not serving you, you are making room to receive many wonderful magickal energies and blessings!!


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