Don't you have something better to DO?

Right around the time of Thanksgiving, we are bombarded on Social Media by the PC Police. The ones who are determined to correct the wrongs of the past by shaming everyone in the present about things that happened beyond their scope. To what end? Awareness? Shame? Education? Retribution?
Year after year, I hear history being 'corrected' and yet, it is being 'repeated'. Throughout the internet I see people who want to change how you think and feel...and they do, for the length of time it takes you to read a Tweet, a blog, or a post. Then they go do exactly what they were going to do anyway, because there is nothing to engage them in action, just thoughts and feelings, which are often fleeting.

The PC history police often come across as smug and holier than thou. They may be providing 'facts' but smacking the masses in the face with their PC gauntlet doesn't often win converts. It turns people away in shame and anger. Why, generations later, should someone have to give up a gathering of their own family because of a wrong done hundreds of years ago? They are good people today-why do we try to make them feel guilt because they want to have Turkey and watch football with family then don't get to see often in this busy world? Why should they put someone else's history above their own?
For me-Thanksgiving was only ever a time when I could be with my entire family. Dysfunctional as we were at times, we called a truce and spent a day creating memories. As we got older, we forgave more of the 'quirks' we dealt with in person because we realized all we had was the TIME that was given to us. My mother has been gone now for 6 Thanksgivings. My father has been gone for 5 Thanksgivings. My brother has been gone for 2 Thanksgivings. I weep still for the mother, father and brother I can no longer hold in my arms and be with in this life. That is MY history....those are the 'facts'.

So what can I do now? At 53-do I need to go back and rewrite a past in the name of generations of unintentional Survivor's Guilt? Should I create a crusade to educate the masses about how wrong we were to gather together in the name of incomplete and cruel history passed on through generations? Do I need to apologize for the turkey dinner my husband and I ate and enjoyed last night? What can I DO to live an authentic life of purpose, joy, and integrity-according to MY own history and experiences?
I offer these suggestions for alternative actions:
-Smile at strangers. Be the moment of kindness that gives hope simply by saying, 'Hello!' or 'Good Morning!' to someone you don't know at all.
-Share what you can to those who have less than you. There are plenty of shelters and charities that would be glad to take your abundance to provide to those they serve. Then-count your blessings that this day you have 'enough' to live on and be happy.
-Say SOMETHING. Don't say 'I love you' because you expect to hear it back, but because you MEAN it. Say other things that you know you want to say: 'You're talented', 'Thank You', 'I appreciate your help', 'You inspire me', 'I enjoy your words, art, music, etc'. Your words are GIFTS to others...give them freely.
-Ask questions, then shut up and LISTEN. 'How are you?' Do you really want to know when you ask someone that question? Do you censor yourself when others ask you, not because you don't have something to share but you're convinced that they don't care enough to listen? Be there. Make time to listen. Clarify and SAY you will listen. Don't fix. Just.....LISTEN. That's validation enough.
-Be BETTER. Think about it. Write about it. Talk about it. DO something about it. If your life isn't what you want it to be, then let's explore it together. COMMIT to changing your life to meet goals YOU can live with. Don't live by what others tell you are the standards you need to adhere to. Think about what you really believe, then ACT on those beliefs. I believe in you. Let's act on that.

I am THANKFUL for everyone who helps me to reflect on what is important to me, so that I may continue to act in accordance with beliefs. This blog post is one action I will take today.
What are YOU going to do?


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