Out of the Comfort zone...

I've been thinking about what direction I really want to take this blog. I have decided that as a woman in my mid-40's. I really want to explore things that either a) most people don't exist or don't think about checking out for themselves or b) super cool or fun things folks over 40 are basically told they can't or shouldn't do. I am a work in progress...there are many things I still want to do, see and try...I'm just getting started! It's fabulous being over 40...my comfort zone is just a guideline...I'm more confident about who I am, and it's easier to try new things. Most days I really like who I am...and want to grow more loving, interesting and creative and that's a feeling I want to share with you.

I'm into lots of things...music, vintage styles, fashion, books, movies, makeup, art, dancing, etc.... See what I mean? Not dead yet kids...not by a long shot! What I'm not into is sitting for hours on end watching stale television shows that show other people living the fun or outrageous lives we wish we could. I want to explore more really cool lives, hobbies, interests and get other people to step outside their comfort zones!

Of course, most of this is pretty self indulgent. After all, I'm gonna start with many of the things that interest me and if I can share them with others....bonus!! I've decided first that as I start exploring my more glam side that I will most likely start reviewing some awesome beauty products! *yawn* What's that? Boooooring???  I know, I know....I've been out there kids....beauty blogs are definitely a dime a dozen and it's a challenge to wade through them all! But my love of color demands I at least let folks know when I find a product or look that I think is really awesome...and like I said, this blog is all about sharing the love!

This is *not* a beauty blog.....it is my LIFE blog....and it is from the perspective of a woman who has seen many a fashion, music, movie, and lifestyle trend come, go and come back again! Let's face it, putting on makeup is fun, but you do it so you can go OUT and let folks see how fabulous you look! Not all looks are great...some are quite, er....bad. I've got pictures to prove I had some seriously fractured fashion sense back in the day....so I'm definitely gonna be seeing some things in a different light at 45 than when I was going through it the first time at 25. But then again, some stuff I love now I have always loved and I'm not gonna give it up because I'm getting older...it's just a matter of making it work for me now in a different way!

As I try out new eyeshadows and play with colors...talk about clothes, style, occasionally shoes...hobbies and art...I want to let you know how it works for someone at the mid-stride stage of life....and maybe share a story or two about the days when I was younger and not-so-much wiser.... LOL!

There is so much cool stuff out there in the world to explore! Women over 30 are not dead, are not doomed, do not have to give up a sense of personal freedom, expression, style or lose their individual tastes because there doesn't seem to be anything reflected in our society that tells them it's okay to be who they are regardless of their age! I want to support any woman of any age who is determined to kick ass at just being themselves in the world! I do hope you'll come along with me on this blog journey and PLEASE give me comments and suggestions for what you'd like to see...

Take a step out of your comfort zone with me and I promise we'll have some fun together!! Thanks for playing! See you soon!


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