No day but today!

Welcome! Finally, I have taken the leap to start my own blog! My name is Lina, and I will be your host along this weird, Wonka-ish journey through my life! I look forward to getting to know you...and I hope you look forward to getting to know me, too! If you have seen the itty bitty description of myself for my profile, I shall expand a bit on that now.

I am indeed, at this present day, in what one might call.....Mid-Life. *gasp* What a wretched sounding place that seems like, but I assure you, it's not! I prefer to refer to this stage as Mid-Stride....that little pause in the middle right before getting on to the next part of my dance! Sounds much better, right?

I'm nearly 46 and all sorts of wonderful things have happened in my life since I hit keeps getting better, and sometimes stranger, but always changing and challenging. I am a Big Gal...yes, plus sized....FAT even! Ha! Yes, I am working on being healthier, but I have always been a curvy gal and am not ashamed of it. So at some point I plan to touch on many things involving body acceptance, hot plus-size fashion, and of course, the inevitable fat-phobias of society. Not really preaching, more like ranting....but later for that...

I am also, a 'newlywed'! *awwww!* darling hubby and I are almost married a year and still blissfully in love. We definitely face issues that many younger couples don't, so prepare to get the perspectives of folks that little slice of life! There will be lots of gushing, and head scratching as I learn the ways of the modern married couple... 3 years ago I would have told you I was quite resigned and happy to accept my future place in life as the next Crazy Cat Lady....and here I am....learning to love stuff like 'date nights' and 'crock pot recipes' :-)

Hmmm....what next in this bit of an intro? My interests? Hobbies? Normal demographic nonsense? Perhaps I will fill out one of those crazy quizzes and manage to capture most of it in one shot!

So, why blog? Why now? Why not- I say! I have wanted a place to express myself for awhile now...and finally am dipping my toe into this space. A bit daunting, but I think I can handle it! What can you expect? Well, dip into my, wha? Basically, I will be sharing things I love, loathe, find interesting, confusing as hell, maddening and more! If you have questions of me, please ASK! I LOVE a good let's get this party started!


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