Bad fashion advice for women over 40...

I've been scouring the web lately for what 'they' say are the do's and don'ts for women over 40 when it comes to fashion and makeup. The information I found friends is nothing short of....discouraging.
According to what I've found, Women over 40 should not:

-Wear their hair in long styles
-wear shorts, Wear Horizontal stripes, Jackets that hit at mid-thigh, Pleated pants, tank tops, Double-breasted blazers, Capri-length pants, leather pants or jackets,
fluorescent colors, plunging necklines, bikinis, sleeveless shirts, etc
-wear shimmery makeup, bold colors and absolutely NO Red lipstick!!
-wear high heels or knee high boots
-wear glittery anything
-bangle bracelets and large earrings
-wear message t-shirts and trendy/embellished/low-rise/skinny/light colored/ etc denim jeans
-hair clips, scrunchies, or other hair accessories
-oversized purses/bags

Wow...seriously? I could puke right now! So many more 'donts' for women over 40....and who exactly is making up these rules? The same folks who said don't wear white after Labor day? What in the world is left for us if we follow these rules? A big burlap sack? Tennis shoes and a paper bag?
A little outdated with this stuff perhaps? It's a guide to 'How to fade into the sunset of your life'!! Make your life completely, color, no style, no fun, no nothing...relax into your 'laugh lines' and go quietly into that sweet goodnight...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!

Basically, the 'Over-40 Rules' say you can't wear anything you like, and you can't make up your face the way you want. Every time you look in the mirror you should accept the fact that you cannot compete with 20-somethings and you should sink into your wrinkles and DIE!!!!!!!!!! Honestly...the advice 'they'(and by that I mean the self-important idiots who write many of these fashion-tip blogs and articles) give sounds like advice a jealous school girl would give to someone she views as a threat to her new boyfriend.

Any woman of any age, dressed in any outfit that she loves and feels comfortable in makes her feel attractive, sexy and CONFIDENT....which in turn makes her very appealing to other people. After all,there is nothing sexier than a woman with a confident attitude. Women over 40 have more life experience, so they have a bit more confidence in themselves. They don't necessarily feel a constant sense of insecurity like younger women who haven't already lived through a gazillion emotional hurdles and survived all the stronger for it.

I've read dozens of blogs and fashion articles which tell women over-40 that they should 'go more natural', wear 'classic neutral' clothing, tone down your hair color, be more modest and don't wear anything that draws attention, after all, who wants to look at YOU? You're over 40 for cryin' out loud!! Advice from most wet-blankets tells us to 'act' our age, 'dress'our age, and above all, stop trying to compete with the young women. Be sensible, be mature, do not stand out...uh..what? Where is the fun in that? Where is the joy? Where is the....LIFE??

Where is the advice that says, 'Be happy being yourself. You are over 40 and you've come this far. Enjoy the rest of your life and live it the way you want!'?
Here, I will add some pics of women over 40 who break the rules...all shapes and sizes...look at them all closely. Then you tell me: Whose rules should you follow to truly be happy? Whose rules do you think these women follow? And which will YOU choose? 'Their' rules, or 'Yours'?


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