Q & A time....all about ME!

Okay...haven't done one of these in awhile, so just for fun, I figured it was time to do one again. However, at my age, I modified some of the entirely stupid questions that sound like they were written by a high school freshman. Let's get started, shall we?
~Basic info~
Name: Adelina (aka Lina) Age: 46
Home: New Jersey! I'm a proud Jersey girl all my life...even got my hubby to move out here from California and he loves it, too!
Religion: Pagan/Wiccan- I am more 'spiritual' than a believer in practicing any one particular path. I trust my intuition; if it feels right,then I go with that.
Ethnicity: 1/2 Italian (mom) and 1/2 Puerto Rican (dad) and all American!
Status: Happily married!
Appearance: Dark hair and brown eyes, 5'5", unapologetically plus-sized. Happy as I am...

Pets: One cat, Zella. She's a 15yo, sometimes cranky old lady who thrives when her people are home, sitting on the sofa watching tv where she
can keep an eye on us and make us serve her whenever she wants. LOL!

~Some Questions~

Fave Color?-I'd have to say red...I do gravitate toward that more than any other, but I love bright, intense colors!!
Least fave color?-I think that I tend to stay away from pastels....
Fave Food?-I do love Italian food! Pasta, meat, sauce....yum!
Least fave food?- Er, Mexican. I'm not much for all the peppers...erp!
Fave beverage?-Coffee!! Which is funny, cause as a kid, I really, really hated it! I think I started drinking it when I was about 18 or 19 and
since then I love it all day long. It doesn't keep me up, either. I can have a full cup and go right to sleep!
Animal?-Like all kinds of animals...but as the song goes, 'I don't like spiders and snakes...'
Movie?-Devoted 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy geek! Unabashedly excited about the pending 'Hobbit' movie coming out soon, too!
TV Show?-Don't have cable (gasp!) so we don't watch a lot of tv. The only shows I watch when I can are NCIS, PBS shows and any documentaries we can find.
Music?-Rockabilly is my favorite! Elvis IS the King!! Love all kinds of music that I can dance to! I have done Ballroom and Latin dancing, so I mean it when I say, if I can dance to it, I like it! The only exceptions are gangsta rap, craptastic new Country that tries to be rock, and techno and industrial...but otherwise, I can find something to enjoy from Classical to Country to Punk to Flamenco, etc...

What do you do on your spare time?-
I have a great many interests, and whatever I'm in the mood for that day is what I spend my spare time on. Some days, it's makeup. I love looking up creative makeup looks online and definitely have an addiction to shopping for eyeshadows and lipstick. I also am a sometimes aspiring artist-(mixed media)-and when the mood strikes I will grab my brushes, paints and other stuff and just put things together to see how it looks.

With my husband, we like to watch documentaries, watch old movies, go to rockabilly shows, museums, flea markets, antique shops, auctions, and more! One thing we love to do together in our spare time is 'treasure hunting'... One man's junk is another man's treasure! I am also a huge fan of art and sculptures related to the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos! Sugar Skull art is awesome!

What do you wish you had more time for?-
Taking classes. I love to learn...and I love to pick the brains of those people who are interesting. Artists, historians, poets, and many kinds of creative people are those I wish I could sit with for hours just listening and being inspired by them. They motivate me to learn, grow, and step out of my comfort zone. Artist are wonderful, generous people who give me permission to act on my own desire to be creative...how cool is that?

Whats your usual clothing style?-
Weekdays it's strictly business casual. But on my own time, if I have any, I love Vintage and retro styles.... Glam and gorgeous looks from the 1920's,30's, 40's, and 50's!!

Do you have/plan on having kids?-
Nope...never. I am devoutly Child Free and am fortunate to have met a man who is in agreement with that. I have never wanted kids, despite being surrounded by them my entire life. Never had a desire to have one...and I have taken a LOT of flack for that. From co-workers to family members to friends, not many have understood my choice not to have any kids.
Oh, and no...I don't want to adopt, either. I enjoy my life without them...love that my focus can be on my relationship with my husband. I do have a Wicked Step-daughter of sorts...non-bio daughter from my hubby's first marriage who he raised from the time she was a baby. But she's an adult and can fend for herself(or not). So,again, no kids for me...not now...not later...not ever...not changing my mind.

Favorite place to be?-
Ah, definitely, down the Shore!! (That would be 'at the beach' for you non-Jerseyans!) Hoping someday to have a home closer to the shore....it's peaceful there and I love how it just takes the stress away from me in a few short moments of hearing the surf....

Bad habits?-
Several actually....I curse, a LOT and I smoke. I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, I eat a lot of good food and some bad food, too, I don't exercise enough, blah, blah, blah...

Do you have any Piercings/Tattoos?-
Yes! The only things pierced are my ears and I'm keeping it that way. I have 5 tattoos at the moment...got my first one at the age of 43 and haven't looked back! I have always loved tattoos and used to let folks talk me out of doing it. When I met the hubby...he encouraged me to do it and so I did. I love them. I've designed 2 of them myself, and plan to do it again in the future.

What other things are you interested in?-
So much stuff! I love books on all kinds of art. I am a big fan of Low Brow and Tattoo art. I think it's absolutely gorgeous! I love looking at Classic cars and Hot Rods/Rat Rods! I love crock pot cooking and strive to find recipes that serve my huge need for easy comfort food. I love laughing so I am happy to listen to smart, funny comedians. I love hunting for a bargain...and when I find one, I love sharing it with others I know will enjoy getting it themselves. Share the love!

I ADORE Vintage fashion and make-up and devote myself to the search for plus-size fashions. It's always tough because no one seems to think that fat chicks are interested in looking great and being their sexy selves.
I like dispelling that myth! I believe that makeup is an art and creative self-expression that is fun and enjoyable to explore! I like going for drives and just noticing weird stuff around the roadways!
I love most anything that is Kooky and Kitsch cause it's meant to be crazy, colorful and FUN!

Any Pet Peeves?-
Cowards who stir up drama and then run and hide so they don't have to face the consequences. People who are cruel...just for the fun of it. Liars. I could go on...but why bother?

Best advice given to you?-
"You can't save them all. Understand that some people are simply going to do what they do, some people will be hurt, and some will die. For the sake of your own sanity, if you remember nothing else I tell you, please remember, you cannot save them all..."

Best advice you could give to someone else?-
"Say what you mean, mean what you say. You can live with yourself, even if the outcome is bad or not what you wanted, if you know when you spoke, it was the truth from your heart." And..."Don't let anyone else ever tell YOU how to be YOU. That decision comes from what you want. Only YOU."

If you'd like to know more about me, just ask! I'd love to know more about you too....so please feel free to comment!!!


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