
Showing posts from 2012

The Triple Goddess in my life- Artemis the Maiden

*This is the first in a series of three. In each, I will discuss the aspects of the Triple Goddess in my life. First I will discuss Artemis, the Maiden. Some 20+ years ago, I was initiated into my first coven. I was given a name by our Priestess, which would influence and reflect my spiritual path for the rest of my life. I was named, Artemis, after the Greek Goddess also known as the Roman, Diana. In my heart, I was overjoyed to be named for this Goddess, who I had been fascinated with since I was a little girl. Many of her aspects I felt strong connection to since I first became aware of her. Later I would understand them better and how the aspects of Artemis would wax and wane in my own life. The Greek goddess Artemis is often associated with the moon, especially the crescent or "new" moon.  She often hunted in the forest, at night, seeing sharply through the darkness with just the smallest sliver of silvery light guiding her path.   Artemis was called the "Goddess of

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Countdown Clock |

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Countdown Clock | Oh yes, I am THAT big of a geek! Lord of the Rings fans have waited all their lives for a proper movie version of The Hobbit. Not to mention that after 9 years since Return of the King, we desperately need our Tolkein fix! Our patience has been rewarded, and we will begin our next 3 year trip on December 14, 2012 with The Hobbit-An Unexpected Journey. Of course, some of us will be there at midnight on the extra special treat for true fans who have been begging for Peter Jackson to make this movie. I know there has been all sorts of fan grumblings...about the wait, the change in directors, the way it is filmed, story purists, etc. However, I am just a fan...who has loved Middle Earth and Hobbits and the wizard Gandalf since I was a little girl and first picked up The Hobbit. I read and re-read it as well as the Lord of the Rings trilogy...and over the years I continued to do so.  I loved those

Love ya, bye....

Mom at 19 years old...glamour girl on the farm... My mom passed away tonight....she was 79. This is the initial shock...numbness...mental processing. We all knew it was coming....she was a diabetic with heart disease and was battling lung cancer. Two weeks ago she was in the hospital and they put her on a respirator, something that had never happened before. But, she improved...and we had hope for just a little more time. She just got out of the hospital a few days ago and was resting at home. I was there with her when they removed the respirator tube....she grasped my hand so tight...she was terrified...'I thought I was dead, Lina. I thought I died.' That was just a few days ago. She just didn't make it much longer...her body simply could not fight any more. Mom and Dad on their Wedding Day...that little bump on her belly is me! My dad is devastated...after more than 47 years of marriage, he has just lost his wife.  He sounded so painfully sad on the phone. He doesn't

Pass the Salt and Pepper, please...

Granny chic? Silver foxes? The Marie Antoinette? Snow on the Roof? The new black? There are tons of trendy phrases being flung about to describe what is a natural process as old as time: going gray and/or having gray hair. I've toyed with the idea of letting the gray come in for several years now. I have a distinct 'Lily Munster' patch right at the top of my forehead (my brother has it too...thanks Mom!) that resisted colors even back in my 20's when I was changing hair color just for fun. I even tried to let it come in about 3 years ago, then panicked and dyed it again to my natural dark brownish black. Earlier this year, around April, I decided to stop dying my hair for good and I'm finally comfortable with it. I'm even excited and slightly impatient when I see more gray streaks. 'Hurry up and fully grow in already!' Ha! Every day I notice a few silver hairs around my face and the hidden ones around the base of my hairline. I've even tell my husban


Welcome to all my new and old friends! I started this blog a while ago...and just lost my way somewhere along the line. Maybe there were more life changes occurring than I had planned on? Well, as John Lennon said, " Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."  I think when I first started this blog, I had a vision of it being a place to voice my thoughts and experiences of my life...but in reality, I wasn't sure yet where I actually was in my life! I was still coming to grips with some things...and since they weren't clear in my head, I sure as hell couldn't put a clear voice to them in my blog! I am celebrating a Do-Over! Life gives you those sometimes, if you bother to stop and take advantage of them. What started out as 'Latter Day Doozie'...the name of the blog which described the whirlwind of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual changes I was going through last has a new name...Mid-Stride Moxie!! The reason