The Triple Goddess in my life- Artemis the Maiden

*This is the first in a series of three. In each, I will discuss the aspects of the Triple Goddess in my life. First I will discuss Artemis, the Maiden.

Some 20+ years ago, I was initiated into my first coven. I was given a name by our Priestess, which would influence and reflect my spiritual path for the rest of my life. I was named, Artemis, after the Greek Goddess also known as the Roman, Diana. In my heart, I was overjoyed to be named for this Goddess, who I had been fascinated with since I was a little girl. Many of her aspects I felt strong connection to since I first became aware of her. Later I would understand them better and how the aspects of Artemis would wax and wane in my own life.

The Greek goddess Artemis is often associated with the moon, especially the crescent or "new" moon.  She often hunted in the forest, at night, seeing sharply through the darkness with just the smallest sliver of silvery light guiding her path.  
Artemis was called the "Goddess of Light" had the divine duty of illuminating the darkness for those lost literally and metaphorically through the deepest forests.  Artemis is often depicted carrying a candle or torch, lighting the way for others, leading them through territories yet uncharted.

I was particularly connected to Artemis' sense of independence. She knew her mind and heart; She knew what she wanted to do that would make her happy; and she knew how to speak up and ask for it. I loved that so much about Her that it has been an aspect of myself that has always been very closely tied to my spirituality. Artemis was depicted as self-sufficient, living Her life on Her own terms (despite the criticism and interference from others), was comfortable both in living in solitude and taking charge to lead others when need arose. Courageous, confident and strong....She was the light that moved forward in darkness when others would have simply been too afraid of what was unknown or unseen.

To me, Artemis was authentic and brave. To choose to be alone and happy, rather than conform to the wishes of others. Artemis was a 'virgin', which did not bear the same meaning we prescribe to it today. To remain a 'virgin' meant Artemis chose to be autonomous, independent, and beholden to no man. She had a mind and a will of her own and of all the things she treasured about herself, that aspect was most important. 

Artemis also has a temper at times, as do I. She was a fierce hunter of boars, bears and other wild animals. She punished those who hurt women, children and other vulnerable people and She did not deal well with those She felt were disrespectful of Her. There is so much to this Goddess that in my Maiden years I related to myself. Some aspects will never leave me. This is what makes Artemis the Maiden of the Triple Goddess. Much of what I relate to Her will stay, but there is more that I have moved beyond. It is in the past I can clearly see the strongest parts of Artemis in my life.

In my Maiden years, I spent nearly a decade being alone, rather than being in a relationship with the 'wrong' man. After learning that lesson the hard way, I called upon Artemis for protection and guidance. I relied on Her light and strength to teach me not to fear a solitary life, to face the darkness within and around myself, and to move forward. I lost my temper many times on those I thought were trying to take advantage of me or someone else who was unable to defend themselves. Through my pain I learned how to be stronger and trust my own judgement despite the urging of others to conform to what society wanted me to be and do. I gained confidence in my autonomy and found peace. I no longer feared the darkness, I spoke my thoughts and feelings in a clear voice and claimed my life. I did not have to loose my arrows on everyone when I felt hurt or angry. Like the Great Hunter, I reserved my temper for those whose deeds put them clearly in my sights...and more often now do not waste a shot and know exactly where the target lies.

There are times I still call upon Artemis. When I feel beat down, unheard, disregarded...Artemis comes to me and reminds me that I know who I am. If I am 'lost' in the dark forest...she shines Her light and I slowly move forward till once again I am sure of my own footing and can go ahead on my own. I wear silver jewelry and the white light it imparts reminds me that the smallest light is all one needs to have courage and hope in order to keep going forward. I value the loyalty of others and still fiercely defend those who cannot defend themselves. The light of Artemis is the energy that propels me to action. And when I seek guidance, all I need to do is look into the night sky...Her silver bow shines the way for me. When I seek inner peace through the chaos of life,  Artemis is within me and always will be...


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