Welcome to all my new and old friends!
I started this blog a while ago...and just lost my way somewhere along the line. Maybe there were more life changes occurring than I had planned on? Well, as John Lennon said, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."  I think when I first started this blog, I had a vision of it being a place to voice my thoughts and experiences of my life...but in reality, I wasn't sure yet where I actually was in my life! I was still coming to grips with some things...and since they weren't clear in my head, I sure as hell couldn't put a clear voice to them in my blog! I am celebrating a Do-Over! Life gives you those sometimes, if you bother to stop and take advantage of them. What started out as 'Latter Day Doozie'...the name of the blog which described the whirlwind of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual changes I was going through last has a new name...Mid-Stride Moxie!!

The reason for the change? I have truly begun to EMBRACE and CELEBRATE this stage of my life. Not that things are is truly a bed of roses (complete with stems and the occasional thorn..ouch!) But the beauty and wonder of it all has me in true AWE of the process. The internet has allowed me to network with some amazing people who are also in their own stages of life which have supported me and given me some great new perspectives on my own journey!

More to come...but welcome, Welcome, WELCOME all who want to tag along with my mental meanderings!


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