
Showing posts from March, 2014

Rainy Sunday Coffee Klatsch-3/30/14

Bonjour, mes amis! So nice of you to come over and grace me with your company this rainy Sunday! Well, at least it's raining here in south Jersey...which is a nice time to grab a delicious cup of coffee and sit for a chat. Grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let's get cozy... First--I ask you to please visit my friends, Kallan Kennedy and company, over at the Sunday Stew! I have a little article titled "My Childfree Pagan Path". I do hope you like it, and there are many other delicious articles from the chefs who contribute. Go get a taste yourself at  The Secret Life of the American Witch This week has been interesting for me as I find I have been examining the lives of several people who have, to say the least, been behaving badly and inappropriately. I have also been noting the reactions of those affected directly or indirectly by these problematic persons. Finally, I have not just been looking outward, but reflecting on my own thoughts, feelings and actions i

Sunday Coffee Klatsch! March 23,2014

Coffee is always better when you enjoy a good laugh! Good morning, Friends! So happy you could join me today for our little Coffee Klatsch! Grab a cuppa your favorite caffeinated beverage and let's chat! As always, I would like to share the link for an article I wrote for Kallan Kennedy's fantabulous Sunday Stew at  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  Please go feast on the contributions from all the amazing chefs as there is a little something for everyone!   My own article, "The Laughing Gods", includes an intro on these gods of mirth and merriment:  LtoR: Baubo, Uzume, Hotei, Devi Lalita, Comus  Laughter is good for you! Physically-it releases endorphins, boosts your immune system, promotes healthy blood flow and muscle relaxation and much more! Mentally and emotionally, laughter relieves stress and anxiety, and improves your overall mood. Laughter allows us to connect with others and enjoy each other's company. With all those benefits, it is worth looking

Sowing the Seeds-Using Vision Boards

**This blog is also linked to Kallan Kennedy's  The Secret Life of the American Witch . Please go check out this amazing blog and all the fabulous chefs who contribute!! “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” –Steve Jobs At the time of the Vernal Equinox, we welcome the return of the light and warmth of Spring (I sure know *I* do!). We are ecstatic in the coming period of great fertility and growth that is before us! So, what are YOU going to grow this season? This is a time of planting seeds in our lives and we now focus on what we want to grow which will nourish our spirits. There is a simple tool that you can use that will create the energy and inspiration to assist you in reaching whatever goal you choose to set: a Vision Board. Vision boards are a collection of words and images related to a central theme. In this case, in thinking of what you want to manifest in your life this season, the theme

Lessons Learned and the Final Countdown...

"Take two kids in competition for their parents' love and attention. Add to that the envy that one child feels for the accomplishments of the other; the resentment that each child feels for the privileges of the other; the personal frustrations that they don't dare let out on anyone else but a brother or sister, and it's not hard to understand why in families across the land, the sibling relationship contains enough emotional dynamite to set off rounds of daily explosions." -Adele Faber There is no way I can accurately describe the pain, anxiety and true mental and emotional anguish that the death of my parents has caused me. I don't mean to whine and sound like a drama queen, but for the past year and a half, my life has been a wild, torturous, character building exercise that I never saw coming.  October 19, 2012-My mother died of a stroke.  March 19, 2013-My father died of a stroke. March 20, 2013-Any remnants of a civil, sibling relationship with my younge

Snow Day Coffee Klatsch!!

Morning friends! I hope wherever you are right now, you are comfortable, safe, and have a satisfying caffeinated beverage in front of you. Normally, I would have put out a Coffee Klatsch last evening, but I opted to snuggle with my hubby in front of the TV, anticipating the storm would give me ample time to catch up with everyone this morning. Yes-here in NJ we are dealing with our 15th storm of the Winter season. This is NOT normal. We get about 2 or 3 significant snowstorms per season and in the past 5 or so years, less than that. The winters here in the southern/central NJ areas have been relatively mild (fine by me!). This season, we have made up for the past few years of people bitching about not getting enough snow. 15 major storms, including a Nor'easter, have finally silenced even some diehard fans of Winter.  There are some who are still giddy with delight...but many Winter fans have finally hit their own snow limit....and about fucking time, too!! Anyhoo...let's move