Rainy Sunday Coffee Klatsch-3/30/14

Bonjour, mes amis! So nice of you to come over and grace me with your company this rainy Sunday! Well, at least it's raining here in south Jersey...which is a nice time to grab a delicious cup of coffee and sit for a chat. Grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let's get cozy...

First--I ask you to please visit my friends, Kallan Kennedy and company, over at the Sunday Stew! I have a little article titled "My Childfree Pagan Path". I do hope you like it, and there are many other delicious articles from the chefs who contribute. Go get a taste yourself at The Secret Life of the American Witch

This week has been interesting for me as I find I have been examining the lives of several people who have, to say the least, been behaving badly and inappropriately. I have also been noting the reactions of those affected directly or indirectly by these problematic persons. Finally, I have not just been looking outward, but reflecting on my own thoughts, feelings and actions in relation to all of these people. What a utter and complete 'bag of cats'! No wonder I am enjoying a rainy day where I can just sit quietly indoors, coffee cup beside me, and gently discuss what I've seen, heard, and done all week.

Let's get it out of the way... For those who may not know, a man named Kenny Klein was arrested in New Orleans for possession of child pornography, which he admitted was his. As if that weren't disgusting enough, social media has taken this and run amok (as usual) and gotten everyone in an uproar. This guy was known in Pagan circles and I knew about him through my Facebook friends. His music and art didn't particularly interest me but there were lots of folks who promoted and supported him. His arrest and admission devastated those who were acquainted with him. Sadly, that wasn't the end of it...

The local news simply reported his name and what he was arrested for. It was a Pagan internet news site that cried out the headline "Prominent Pagan Arrested for Child Pornography". This set off a firestorm of reactions. The common feeling was-'What did his being Pagan have to do with it that you would promote it thus and taint us as well'?  Folks are feeling betrayed by the community sources which seem to be spreading the 'compost on the weeds' in order increase their daily site hits. Sick, sad and oh-so wrong... Responses from the Pagan community were vitriolic. I could only express my condolences for the pain my friends felt, and let that hot potato sit right where it fell in front of me. I would not pick it up until today. There was a near ferocity of responses that gave me pause. Many spoke of how this situation made them feel in relation to their own painful pasts combined with a double smack from within the Pagan community they felt betrayed them for profit. Where were the blessings and salve of our spirituality for our wounded hearts?

The level of intensity made me stop and think. Have I come to accept all of myself-looked straight at it and embraced it-so it does not sit like an elephant in the room or explode like Vesuvius? There are days and subject matters that provoke the most bitter responses from me, and then others that provoke bare acknowledgement of their similarities and nothing more.  Recently, I had a situation in my own life that made me consider different magickal actions in response. I paused and considered if I was using my spiritual practices at that moment because I believed it was the only course left to take or if I was using it to avoid Shadow self issues left unresolved. Working with my Shadow self is a lifetime of work and I feel blessed that when painful incidents occur, I am able to look into my heart without fear, and try to see what work remains to be done to keep me moving forward. My spirituality is my lifeline, my support, my strength and my sustenance. It is not my hiding place, my bully pulpit, or my baseball bat. Every moment of awareness that comes to me, even in difficult moments like this one, I feel happy and blessed. 

There have been a few links that I have found in helping me to look at these issues as well as have a bit of fun to bring me some much needed Balance. 

One of these is from the Hazeldon article titled-"Beware the Spiritual Bypass on the Road to Recovery"Really excellent in asking the questions that will help move you forward. There is more from the book it came from, 'Recovering Spirituality' by Ingrid Mathieu. 

How could I fail but be intrigued by a blog titled Mad Angry Pagan? He describes himself thus: "I am the Mad Angry Pagan, local Witch Doctor, part-time Geek and Nerd, Proud Free Thinker, Father, Grandfather, MMO Addict, Reiki Master, Amateur Subversive, Brother, Friend, Full Time Wiccan High Priest and Co-host of A bit of Geek and Nerdery Podcast. You get all of this, wrapped up in the body of a middle age Pagan trying to make it through life."  I think we're gonna be friends...

This article by Briana Crusan from Edge Magazine- Evolutionary Pagan: Anger and the Culture of Positivity speaks directly to me in facing anger and making it work for you to achieve your own personal balance. This is an article worth reading a few times...

Have I said how much I love this link at http://fuckyeahaltars.tumblr.com/ ? Nothing but pictures of altars...big, small, complex, simple, indoor, outdoor....nothing but sacred space set up for the purpose of invoking and working in a spiritual context. I adore this page....I could look through it for hours and never be bored!!! Ask questions, submit a picture of your own altar...it's all good...fuck yeah!!!

And now dear ones, I must leave you to your thoughts. My cup is empty and that just cannot be allowed. Time for me to grab a bit to eat for my afternoon lunch and make my afternoon coffee. I hope my thoughts helped some of yours bubble and percolate....it's all good! Bright Blessings wherever you fare today!


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