Sunday Coffee Klatsch! March 23,2014

Coffee is always better when you enjoy a good laugh!
Good morning, Friends! So happy you could join me today for our little Coffee Klatsch! Grab a cuppa your favorite caffeinated beverage and let's chat! As always, I would like to share the link for an article I wrote for Kallan Kennedy's fantabulous Sunday Stew at The Secret Life of the American Witch! Please go feast on the contributions from all the amazing chefs as there is a little something for everyone!  
My own article, "The Laughing Gods", includes an intro on these gods of mirth and merriment: 

LtoR: Baubo, Uzume, Hotei, Devi Lalita, Comus
 Laughter is good for you! Physically-it releases endorphins, boosts your immune system, promotes healthy blood flow and muscle relaxation and much more! Mentally and emotionally, laughter relieves stress and anxiety, and improves your overall mood. Laughter allows us to connect with others and enjoy each other's company. With all those benefits, it is worth looking into how to invoke the Gods and Goddesses of happiness, laughter and play and bring more of their influence into our daily lives!

I have been a bit busy this week. I finally stopped hesitating, got over my fears and started a Facebook Group called : Childfree Spirituality. It is a big issue for me in dealing with a certain amount of conflict and lack of support during my life for my decision to be Childfree by Choice. Early on, when I first began walking a Pagan path, I met quite a bit of resistance and avoidance. Not many new how to speak to or teach someone (in particular-a woman) who had no plans to embrace the Great Mother and become a parent.  I plan to write more about that at a later date. For now, I have met a few wonderful and supportive people online who accept me and my decision, and those who have made similar decisions for themselves. I really am hoping this becomes a safe place to explore spiritual practices and experiences as Childfree individuals throughout many paths and many cultures and personal philosophies.

I also, ideally, want to start a group for the Childfree individuals over 40 and how we see our lives at this stage. My hubby and I are very happy about not having kids, especially at this stage in our lives. I know that the issues and experiences I have are often radically different than those of the 20-somethings I see spewing such hateful anti-child, anti-breeder bile on the internet. Don't get me wrong, I have many days and much ranting behind and before me...but that kind of pointless, excessive tirade is exhausting. When I thought about it in respect to what kind of group I wanted to create, those folks are what pushed me to the spiritual side of the issue and I chose to start Childfree Spirituality. We'll see how this takes off...and I am looking forward to this next little adventure very much. 

Back on February 23, I mentioned that I had a 'hater' (who is also a 'Witch') at work and I was anticipating our difficulties coming to a head with the boss. Well, he asked us to sit down to clear the air and I agreed to. To be succinct: It Got Ugly... 

If there was a doubt that she didn't 'like' me before, there was no doubt that she hates my breathing guts now. In front of my boss and another witness, she spewed out her feelings of dislike and repugnance (with no explanation given, even when the boss asked for it). She grudgingly said she'd work with me (uh-teamwork is a requirement for the job) but otherwise, she'd be okay if we never spoke again or basically, if I disappeared altogether. At least I had the satisfaction of watching my boss and the other witness looking at her with clear incredulity as her responses were vehement, but completely irrational. At the end of the meeting, I knew where I stood and I could see that others knew this drama was not created by me. However, I felt crappy, as a normal human being would feel upon hearing all that negative energy piled on top of your head. I didn't like how I felt and didn't want to feel that way anymore. 

I need to take some action. I have to protect myself and this will require some magickal workings. Still not sure if I was going to be defensive (protective/deflective) or offensive (push/punch back). I'm kind of tired of being on the defensive with this woman and she has been trying to tamper with my reputation at work. So, it looks like I will be taking charge and pushing back. No....I'm not afraid of the consequences. I take responsibility for what I put out there and what I need to do is have her feel the consequences of the bile she is spreading. It needs to be swept back into her little corner of the world with an extra bit of 'kiss my ass, bitch!'. I'm done taking punches, it's time to fight back! A bit of research and some advice from my wise and wonderful, witchy friends will help point me toward an effective and potent magickal working.

Have any of you been in a similar situation? What did you do? I have been praying to the God and Goddess for guidance. I will say that when I went to bed that night and I replayed that meeting in my dreams, I could hear growls of some very unhappy Deities....along with the words 'You will know what to do.'..... That is true. I do know what to do. Despite all that has happened in my life-I am strong. I don't run from a conflict, I face it. I don't hide from the problems, I deal with them. I don't cower from bullies, I fight back. Sad that this woman doesn't know who I really am....she attacked me before she got to know me. Did she look at me and see an obese, 48 year old woman with increasing amounts of grey hair and wrinkles? Did she look at my outsides and deem me weak? She's gonna have to learn this lesson the hard way....

There I will leave you for now my friends. My coffee cup is empty and that is just unacceptable! Bright Blessings to you in the days ahead. Keep your head up, your eyes open and believe in the strength, love and magick that flows within you!!


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