Snow Day Coffee Klatsch!!

Morning friends! I hope wherever you are right now, you are comfortable, safe, and have a satisfying caffeinated beverage in front of you. Normally, I would have put out a Coffee Klatsch last evening, but I opted to snuggle with my hubby in front of the TV, anticipating the storm would give me ample time to catch up with everyone this morning.

Yes-here in NJ we are dealing with our 15th storm of the Winter season. This is NOT normal. We get about 2 or 3 significant snowstorms per season and in the past 5 or so years, less than that. The winters here in the southern/central NJ areas have been relatively mild (fine by me!). This season, we have made up for the past few years of people bitching about not getting enough snow. 15 major storms, including a Nor'easter, have finally silenced even some diehard fans of Winter.  There are some who are still giddy with delight...but many Winter fans have finally hit their own snow limit....and about fucking time, too!!

Anyhoo...let's move beyond that, shall we? After all, the best thing about this weather is a Snow Day, which enables me to spend extra time at home with the hubby and the cat, as well as pursue writing for the MS Moxie blog! I do hope you're at least getting a giggle out of my mid-life opining! Again, I'd love to get feedback and suggestions from you for topics you'd like me to step up and be heard!

While I have just barely begun to emerge from my self-imposed hiatus on Facebook, I continue my safari on the Weird Wide World. There are many people, just like you and me, who have blogs, Tumblr and Pinterest pages, little websites and more that really deserve attention. Some are really popular and other pages have languished and haven't been updated for awhile. That doesn't mean that what was put there wasn't and doesn't continue to be relevant and inspiring! So allow me to be your hostess-with-the-mostest and let me show you some of the places I've been. I am committed to bringing you different links for new places for each new Coffee Klatsch we gather for. Maybe you'll even want to take a leap and clink on the link to travel to one of these places yourself!
I actually didn't go in search specifically for men, but I think Goddess was leading me that way in order to help with my quest for more spiritual balance. These are some wonderful men whose sites I absolutely love and want to share with you.

Graybeard's Grotto: The Chronicles of Captain Graybeard-Pagan Pirate of the Pacific
I don't have the words to describe how much I adore and admire Cap'n Dave. He, his wife and kitty are living their dream aboard a 32-foot masthead sloop named Serenity in San Francisco Bay.
He has another blog Sailing Serenity, where he discussed his journey to fix up Serenity so they could live aboard her. He is an incredibly spiritual man, child of the sea, and I try to learn as much as I can from him about the Gods, the sea, and about living in the day.

This is Who I AM-The Magickal and Mundane Musings of a Modern Mystic
Another recent find is a blog by Robert Alvarez-who is Gay, Latino, has cats and describes himself as an "Ethical Witch". That drew me in immediately!!!! I believe that there was a little serendipity that led me to find him. He was discussing a weekly lesson from Nancy Blair's 'Goddesses for Every Season'. I had just picked up a used copy to replace one I had lost long ago, and it was sitting at my right hand when I came across his blog. He has blogged on his interests and practices on multiple pantheons (Egyptian, Lukumi/Santeria, Voudou, etc). He has so much to share, and he has already been personal and responded to my comment on his site that I know he is someone everyone should check out!!

The Pagan Man-Ramblings of a Drunken Pagan Man
Okay, normally I don't deal with anyone who needs to include 'drunken' in their tagline. However, trying to stay open, I went to this page. He likes to rant (as do I) and I appreciate that. His most recent post was titled, 'I am a Priest' and speaks of his commitment. When I clicked on the link for that article, it brought up a picture included in that post of Yemaya and he stated "I am a.....something to Yemaya because She has said so." I can relate to that! Then there is more....about what it means to him to be a Pagan man, how he has been treated, and how he strives to get over it. I like him...I think you will, too...

So, that's all for now! I hope you'll go check out those pages and get to know some of these great guys! And who knows who you might find in checking them out? I'm ready to continue my journey and see how many more fabulous people I can find around the world! Bright Blessings all....I'm getting another cup of coffee and then it's 'Down the rabbit hole'!


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