Saturday Cawfee Klatsch! 5/24/14

Good Saturday Morning, my friends!
Are you in your happy place today? I am feeling pretty centered at the moment. It is a beautiful Spring day....sunny, peaceful with a gentle breeze.  I have a cup of coffee on my left, hubby is snoring gently in the next room, and the two cats are racing back and forth, tossing each other about all over my apartment. At this moment I am truly content. I love mornings like this!

Let me start by saying THANK YOU to the numerous individuals I received feedback from on my 'Bad Pagan' post. I was truly overwhelmed by the response and I thank each and every one of you for coming to visit me in my little corner of the world. This is not my business and I make no money from this. The Mid-Stride Moxie blog is just a place where I bring my thoughts, feelings and experiences and throw them out into the Universe. Usually, I get in trouble when I express my feelings, as they often run counter to the established authorities. To be embraced and find that I had plenty of good company who thought as I did was humbling. YOU validated ME....and that kind of support is something I don't take for granted.

Two wonderful women actually mentioned the 'Bad Pagan' blog in their own blogs! First, Vickie Lesperance mentioned it in her blog, Aoibheal's Lair. Then the delightfully wicked, Magaly Guerrero mentioned it in her blog Magaly Guerrero's Pagan Culture, Please visit both of their sites....not just because they honored me by mentioning my little blurp, but because these are strong women who have opinions of their own and that means they know how to make real Magick!

The responses to 'Bad Pagan' were not all raves. Not everyone who read the blog was happy with me. And while I'm not going to change because someone disagrees with me, it did sting a bit. No one wants to be disliked, misunderstood or in any other way vilified for something they think or feel. Realistically, there are a great many people who don't think the way I do, and that is perfectly okay. If we all felt, thought and did everything the same....well, BLECH! There would be no flavor to life at all! I know it will happen again where someone is not at all pleased with what I write. All I request is do things your way and I'll do them mine and we shall respectfully agree to disagree. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time."

I feel pretty steady at the moment. I have goals I'm working on; plans for my future and I cannot and will not allow the disagreements of today to become obstacles on my path.  These words and phrases are mine...they are a reflection of my experiences and personality. I do not expect anyone to feel the way I feel, do what I have done, or think what I think! But, occasionally when I do meet up with those who share my's nice to meet a kindred spirit. Even with that in mind, I also keep in mind that our roads will again go your way and I go mine. Hopefully we meet up again in the future and can share a cup of coffee and tell a few tales from our unique roads. That sounds pretty darned good to me....


  1. Having a thinking brain and wild heart often means running into people who our views make unhappy. Some of these unhappy individuals stay happy forever, but a gloriously precious few understand that it isn't personal, no one hates them just because of a different opinion or three. I always hope that with time, even the ones we fight with the most come to realize that that world is made of different life-enriching opinions.

    Write on!

  2. (((Hugs))) and Blessings, Magaly..... You know, years ago, I gave up the idea of having non-Pagans accepting me. It would be nice if they did, but I no longer expected it. I took for granted the acceptance (not the same as agreement) would follow in the Pagan community. Now I realize that i have to adjust my thinking is the human dynamic...we are all the same and we are all different-the ultimate paradox. My thinking brain needs sleep...for tomorrow is another day. Thank you for your words of wisdom....


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