Saturday Coffee Klatsch! The Pursuit of Happiness- 6/28/14
Good Saturday, friends! I am enjoying one of the true benefits of my Childfree life....quiet time with coffee. It's about 7:30am here in Jersey, and I've already been up for a couple of hours. But on the weekends, the rules are truly r_e_l_a_x_e_d_.... So, hubby goes back to bed for a guilty-pleasure nap and the cats are in their special places, napping or watching the birds via CatTV. Then it is MY turn; I fill up my mug of precious mocha goodness and sit to chat with all of you! A little early morning brain drain is very good for the soul....for once you purge thoughts and make a space to receive lots of delightful goodness....yay! I have had a work week from Hades... There will be probably a blog to follow to discuss the way Toxic co-workers and work environments and negatively impact both physical and spiritual energy. In this day and age, when jobs seem scarce but bills seem plentiful, it's tough to figure out when to take a stand and when to simply ig...