
Showing posts from June, 2014

Saturday Coffee Klatsch! The Pursuit of Happiness- 6/28/14

Good Saturday, friends! I am enjoying one of the true benefits of my Childfree life....quiet time with coffee. It's about 7:30am here in Jersey, and I've already been up for a couple of hours. But on the weekends, the rules  are  truly r_e_l_a_x_e_d_.... So, hubby goes back to bed for a guilty-pleasure nap and the cats are in their special places, napping or watching the birds via CatTV. Then it is MY turn; I fill up my mug of precious mocha goodness and sit to chat with all of you! A little early morning brain drain is very good for the soul....for once you purge thoughts and make a space to receive lots of delightful goodness....yay! I have had a work week from Hades... There will be probably a blog to follow to discuss the way Toxic co-workers and work environments and negatively impact both physical and spiritual energy. In this day and age, when jobs seem scarce but bills seem plentiful, it's tough to figure out when to take a stand and when to simply ig

Not My Circus-Not My Monkeys: Regaining Control from Negative People

Hello my friends....welcome back to more mental meanderings from yours truly! I had a bit of an epiphany recently, courtesy of my darling hubby, that I'd like to share with you. One day I had stayed home from work and Hubby and I were chatting about our future plans for this summer and for our eventual move to the West Coast. He paused for a minute and then said, 'You know, you're really upbeat right's nice to see.' Of course, I said, 'Well, you know I have been working a lot lately and then by the time I get home.....' He nodded and said, ' Yeah, I know...but it's still nice to see you this way.'  That got me thinking of what I've actually been doing. It's true, I've been working a lot and driving further to get to work every day. It's also true that by the time I get home, I'm completely drained of energy so that I don't have a lot to give to my husband. I am a product of my current, unavoidable work environment

It takes a village and other flawed logic

I recently had some discussions with folks about the subject of property taxes and education. There was a picture going around with some guy saying that even though he had no children he 'liked' to pay taxes because he liked living in a country with less stupid people.  I proceeded to express my opinion that his logic was flawed. There is no correlation between paying taxes and higher intelligence. There is no evidence to prove that all kids who graduate from high school are actually more intelligent than those who got GED's or dropped out. People who go to school are equally as likely of being 'stupid' as people who don't. Because what we call 'stupid' is actually immaturity, poor judgement, and a lack of common sense. None of those are things guaranteed with a high school diploma, or an increase in our property tax bill... Another bit of fun was being told that I should not be against paying taxes because someday, these children, educated by my tax dol

"Be a Voice, Not an Echo."

Good Afternoon, friends! I've got my coffee next to me, cause I'm gonna need some caffeinated bolstering for this blog. Since I last wrote a couple of weeks ago, there have been a few changes in my internet life. The explanation is going to be brief, but I have been struggling over whether to address it at all. However, I made a commitment to make this blog about all of feelings, experiences, thoughts, etc...and I have always tried to be as forthright as possible when I express myself. So, here we go: The response from the 'Bad Pagan' article was overwhelming and amazing! Never in my wildest dreams did I expect when I decided to write about my life, my experiences and how I don't feel like I fit in throughout many places in the Pagan Community, I would see so many kindred spirits respond in kind. Once again, thank you for your generosity in sharing your thoughts, feelings, and blessings! While the majority of responses were positive, there was a portion tha