Saturday Coffee Klatsch! The Pursuit of Happiness- 6/28/14

Good Saturday, friends! I am enjoying one of the true benefits of my Childfree life....quiet time with coffee. It's about 7:30am here in Jersey, and I've already been up for a couple of hours. But on the weekends, the rules  are  truly r_e_l_a_x_e_d_.... So, hubby goes back to bed for a guilty-pleasure nap and the cats are in their special places, napping or watching the birds via CatTV. Then it is MY turn; I fill up my mug of precious mocha goodness and sit to chat with all of you! A little early morning brain drain is very good for the soul....for once you purge thoughts and make a space to receive lots of delightful goodness....yay!

I have had a work week from Hades... There will be probably a blog to follow to discuss the way Toxic co-workers and work environments and negatively impact both physical and spiritual energy. In this day and age, when jobs seem scarce but bills seem plentiful, it's tough to figure out when to take a stand and when to simply ignore it for the sake of a paycheck. I won't blame Mercury Rx (though I'm sure it energized the poor communication of the situation) but I was subject to a real crisis at work the likes of which I've never experienced before. I didn't see it coming...

It is a fact, my friends, that sometimes we simply CANNOT shield ourselves enough to withstand the negative energy of some people. It is not a sign of lack of faith, weak magick, or poor preparation-but the fact that we have no control over the thoughts, feelings or behaviors of others. In life, sometimes we actually get sideswiped, just trying to be good people and living according to our beliefs. While I mentally struggled just to keep myself 'upright'...inside, that negative energy aimed straight for my guts and I'm physically just started to recover from it. Like a virus, that energy works its way through our systems and hits us where we are vulnerable. My GI tract has been a mess after just one altercation; one friend of mine suffers migraines after dealing with negative co-workers; a former co-worker would lose her voice several times a year at work and no shouting was ever involved. It impacts us all differently...but I would just ask you to think about what happens when it does affect you deal....and what you learned from it...
"When obstacles arise, you change your direction to reach your goal; 
you do not change your decision to get there." -Zig Ziglar

Have you ever considered what else you would do, if you weren't where you are now? My lovely friend, Lorelei, has made me start considering this. She asked me if I had considered starting my own business online. Honestly, I don't think I had enough confidence to consider it before now. I have always been a 'trench' contact with the public...always working for an ungrateful boss who really did little in the way of encouraging others. I've seen others who would try going into business for themselves by selling perfume, wedding planning, custom party favors, etc....but that is not 'me'. I don't think I ever really considered the possibility that *I* could actually be a commodity worth promoting. How that could translate into what I feel passionately about....encouraging all people to stop letting others squash their spirits and just be HAPPY being who they still a bit of a conundrum. 

Happy people share their happiness. Happy people love to encourage others and see the potential in everyone to be happy. Happy people want others to find something that makes them feel good and hang onto that. Happy people want to learn share feel more....and to BE who they are! I want that...I want to BE that way. I want to have more of that in my life and then share that with as many people as I can find who need some guidance till they have it down. Happy people love when other happy people are doing their own makes the world more colorful and....well, HAPPY!

Step one-find what makes you happy. And stop thinking it has to be just ONE thing! It bothers me to no end that this society believes in finite that we are encouraged only to have one hobby, one passion, one skill, one interest, etc. I am interested in and like to do lots of different things. There are things I do well and other things I like watching other people do well! Both of those activities make me happy....and they cover a wide variety of topics so the opportunities to feel happy-either as a participant or as an observer-are infinite! Why limit ourselves when the possibilities for joy are endless?

Ah....see what happens to me when the coffee cup goes empty? LOL! I'm not looking to become a millionaire by pursuing my happiness.....I'm just looking to be Happy by pursuing my happiness. It's sad how many people take their pleasure from others sadness....their strength from others weakness...and fight the fear of failure by squashing the dreams of others. I want to be Happy. I want YOU to be happy. It's not going to be a 24/7 has many ups and downs and it's the adversities which reveal the strength, color and flavor of our unique characters. But Happy is what I strive to be... 

I'm going to go get another cup of coffee, and I'll leave you here to ponder. Feel free to share your own ideas and experiences of your pursuits of happiness. You know I LOVE and appreciate all the feedback I get from you. YOU inspire ME....Bright Blessings my dears!


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