It takes a village and other flawed logic

I recently had some discussions with folks about the subject of property taxes and education. There was a picture going around with some guy saying that even though he had no children he 'liked' to pay taxes because he liked living in a country with less stupid people. 

I proceeded to express my opinion that his logic was flawed. There is no correlation between paying taxes and higher intelligence. There is no evidence to prove that all kids who graduate from high school are actually more intelligent than those who got GED's or dropped out. People who go to school are equally as likely of being 'stupid' as people who don't. Because what we call 'stupid' is actually immaturity, poor judgement, and a lack of common sense. None of those are things guaranteed with a high school diploma, or an increase in our property tax bill...

Another bit of fun was being told that I should not be against paying taxes because someday, these children, educated by my tax dollars and yours, would be the doctors and other people taking care of me. Really? Isn't that the same logic some people use when trying to convince CF people that if they don't have kids, there will be no one there to take care of them when they get old? Again, seriously flawed logic. Nursing homes and senior centers are filled with older people with kids who never both with them. You can try, but teaching someone to read is no guarantee that they will care.... There is no 'care about others' tax.....

Last, if I have to hear one more 'it takes a village' comment, I'll vomit! The person who uttered it is a parent after all and no parent wants to do it alone. Let's hear it for all the involuntary people we get to help take care of the needs of our children! But Heaven forbid you try to correct them or tell them anything about raising their child.....then you get told that because you don't have children, you don't have a right to say a damned word about their precious poopsie........fekkin hypocrites....

I said I resented having this forced upon me. Of course someone said it wasn't....but I bet if I stopped trying to pay the property tax there would be a big fine telling me, 'you will so too pay your property tax!'....or my wages would be garnished....or maybe even some jail time. Taxation without representation....parents want my money too...they don't care that I don't have or want a child. Most of them didn't either...but since they are stuck with their kids, I need to help out.

Did you ever think that if parents had to pay the ENTIRE cost of raising a child-including medical and education- there might not BE so many parents with kids they can't afford? Do you think more people would be more responsible about their choice to have kids if they got no help from the taxpayers? Yeah, imagine that if you can....

I am Childfree by Choice.... I don't want kids...any kids...especially not YOUR kids. I don't see you going out of your way for a tax to take care of ME. I mean, 'it takes a village'...doesn't it?

Thought so....


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