Thankful A-Z

Hello friends and WELCOME to the Thanksgiving edition of Childfree Moxie! It's been a little while since I've posted anything! Of course, at the moment I might be talking to myself, since the last time I chatted here it was shortly after I moved my blog from Wordpress over here to Blogger. is often the case, there are a number of Childfree individuals who dread Turkey Day. Sometimes you can add the Single folks to the mix, as they often get hit doubly hard by the gathering to come. Family time at has a variety of expressions all over America depending on the cultures, states and relatives you throw into the mix. For some it's a wonderful and loving gathering of folks you don't get to see often enough. For others, it is an insane obligation once a year to put up with people you don't want to speak to let alone sit next to at the dinner table. For me, it was somewhere in the middle of all that...mostly good, some crazy...but generally tolerable and even enjoyable at times.

Instead of going over the ghosts of Thanksgivings gone by, I am going to instead begin a NEW tradition. Starting here and now, I am beginning a "Thankful A-Z List". While many of us recognize that we are coming close to the end of the year, we often get caught up in the political and commercial aspects that tend to overwhelm us. Before we have to have choke down some of Aunt Betty's famous Mystery Jello Mold....I think it fitting to countdown those things that have worked for us all year round. It means taking a little time to realize that which has made our lives, overall, pretty darned good.

This isn't as easy as it sounds....but I think you'll find it worthwhile...

A-Art. Love all kinds...particularly assemblage art and tattoo art. Looking at it makes me happy and for that alone and I am thankful!

B-Baby. No, not that kind of baby! My cat, Baby! She is my sweet and grumpy, 13 lb cat that once belonged to my mom and dad. Every time I look at her, I recall precious memories of my parents. It's still a bit of them with me now that they are gone....

C-Childfree. Oh yes, absolutely thankful for my Childfree life! It has allowed me to pursue dreams and goals that other people won't dare to do for themselves. I am so glad this is the path I've chosen!

D-Dentist. Never thought I'd be grateful for the dentist, but I am. It's taken a long time to move past my dental phobia (20+ years) but this particular office made it easy. Kind and compassionate in helping me face my fear to be a healthier me.

E-Enlightenment. I strive for it every day. I am not perfect...but it is a sort of moral compass that I am able to use to keep me in check. Does what I choose to do move me closer to the great goal of enlightenment? Inquiring minds always want to know...

F-Friends. Some are close, some are far. Some I've lost touch with and some I've reconnected with. Some I know online, and some I've met in person. But every single one of my friends have given me love, laughter, conversation and their own unique perspective on the world. They rock!

G-Garlic. Love it. Don't get to cook with it nearly as much as I'd like, but it creates a delightful ZAP of flavor in something that could otherwise be so many dishes, so many grateful for it's flavor...

H-Hope. I hang onto hope every day. When people have been mean and insulting, when the pain is great, when I am surrounded by negativity on all sides....HOPE reminds me that things will get better.

I-Insulin. Yes, thankful for insulin. Not necessarily happy that I'm a diabetic, but it is the insulin that is helping me as I learn that I need to take better care of myself.

J-Junk. Yes...thankful for junk. One of the things my husband and I love doing together is going to flea markets and antique stores. One man's 'junk' is another's treasure....those pretty, dirty, dingy beat up things that please our eyes and hearts....they make us happy....thankful....

K-Kisses. We have a deal...every day I get hugs and kisses. It is the smallest gesture of affection that lets me know I am loved....thankful for that every single day.

L-Laughter. Every heals me and sustains me. It is therapy and enjoyment in one good guffaw. Never underestimate the power of a good belly laugh...

M-Makeup. Sound silly? Makeup is a way that I play and enjoy myself. I don't always wear makeup but I enjoy it and like to feel pretty and colorful. For the fun it brings in my life, I'm thankful.

N-New Jersey. My beloved home state....a melting pot of people, foods, history, ideas, etc....all part of that which created me. I feel blessed to have been born and raised here....and Jersey will always, ALWAYS be part of my spirit....

O-Oceanside, CA. Our goal...our dream...our future home! How can you not be thankful for the thing or place that you aspire to come closer to? I'm motivates me every day.

P-Pain. Yes, pain is a great teacher and I am thankful for the pain I have gone through. I have learned so much about myself for what I have endured...I am stronger for it.

Q-Quiet. Oh, the joy of being able to sit at home with no noise. No kids running around making demands and invading my ear space....simple, sweet, peace and quiet....ahhhh....

R-Rockabilly. I adore Rockabilly music, style and culture. Unfortunately, the scene here in our area has dried up a bit....but in California I'm ready to explore it with great enthusiasm!

S-Sean, my husband. He has been my mischievous partner in crime, my support, my love and my rock. How truly thankful I am to have this man in my life...words simply can't express...

T-Thomas Edison State College. Because they made it easy and affordable, I am finally able to pursue finishing my Bachelor's degree. They have walked me through every confusing moment. The challenges are immense....but they provided the right opportunity for someone like me.

U-Union. There are some things about my job working for a labor union that I despise. But most of the time, I get to help people who are scared, bullied, and just need someone to support them. I'm glad I'm able to lend a hand where I can.

V-Vilma. Currently 9 months old and the newest addition to our household. We adopted her this year from a shelter. She's an adorable black cat who manages to make me laugh every day...

W-Wifi. I've been able to accomplish more since I finally broke down and got Wifi for my home. Without Wifi, I wouldn't have been able to afford the online classes that are essential to my finishing my degree....very thankful.

X-X-ray. Thankful that we saw the nodule on my husband's lung so we were able to get it checked. It is NOT cancer and because we spotted it early, we could be aware of it.

Y-Yemaya. I am still learning about this Goddess since she came to me in dreams. When I call her, She hears me. So much to learn...I am grateful for her inspiration and strength...

Z-Zealots. Those people who feel so radically strong about something that they feel they MUST make me agree and feel that way too have taught me more about the kind of person I want to be than most other things. I believe in a middle way....MY way....but for the zealots being able to let me clarify my own thoughts and perspective on how I do NOT want to behave...I am grateful.

My Thanksgiving this year will be quiet. Hubby and I both having dental work recently means chewing will be difficult, so no turkey dinner. However, I know what I'm thankful for and just cause I can't eat a big, brined bird doesn't mean I'm not able to give thanks.

And if you've looked at this and seen a distinct lack of frequent references to children, breeders and being Childfree, it's because there is more to me than just being Childfree. That's the point of this blog. To talk about issues of being Childfree, but also to discuss the LIFE of a Childfree person. Sure is a lot more to me than meets the eye!

Come up with your own list. For the record, this list took me about an hour to complete....take some time and think about your own A-Z list....It's time well spent.... Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you will be!


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