
Showing posts from February, 2015

You're missing it...

In this digital age, modern technology has divided us from each other and we have forgotten how or don't even know how to speak to each other anymore.   I know people who spend more time engaged in online relationships than with the spouses, partners or friends that they actually live with.  People freak out if they lose their phones, not because they might miss an important call, but because they have forgotten how to conduct themselves throughout the day without the distractions of texting. I see friends and co-workers who can text a mile a minute but don't know how to properly spell a  complete word or how to put a sentence together. I've seen people on the beach on a bright sunny day with the ocean right in front of them and seagulls crying out overhead....but they have their heads down to their iphones or e-books.... When 'Face Time' means staring at a screen.....when 'chatting' means typing...we've lost something precious and real in our interactio

A Witch's Wardrobe...

What do witches really wear? Do we all like to 'dress up' in ceremonial robes, furs, cloaks, and pointy hats? Does every witch own and wear silver jewelry, crystal pendants and lots of pentacles? Do the male witches dress like some Gothic combination of a caveman, Viking, and Albus Dumbledore? Does every female witch dress like Stevie Nicks???? I like dressing up....I like cloaks and long flowing gowns....I even like wearing black. But somehow, I wonder if this stereotypical image of witches helps or hurts the desire to be accepted equally? Does what we really look like match how we want to appear to the public? Do the clothes make the witch? L to R-Sam & Endora from tv's Bewitched, Stevie Nicks, Laurie Cabot, Phyllis Curott, Dorothy Morrison. I wondered about this, because in the past year or so, there has been a number of sites, Facebook pages and assorted blogs popping up dedicated to male witches proclaiming their path. Awesome that they are doing it! However, most

Monday Moxie: Spiritual Detachment (aka-Let That Shit Go...)

For much of my existence, my life has felt like a circus, highlighted by select periods which resembled a Lifetime 'Movie of the Week'. When I reached adulthood, I reacted rather than responded to the world around me. That ensured my friends, family and co-workers not only endless entertainment but endless High Drama as well. After a particularly bad relationship ended, a co-worker once described my behavior like 'a skinned monkey in a cactus farm...' Well, damn...! Thanks Chris, wherever you are...I've never forgotten that and it changed me for good.  I became a Hermit for a time as I began to explore why my mind and spirit felt like a traveling litter box for the world. I tended to remember every slight to my soul. Anything said, intentional or not, that hurt me and I would hold onto it like dragon hoards gold. Every rejection felt like the ultimate rejection. I truly felt raw inside and out...there was no salve to soothe my spirit. I desperately tried to control

Friends with Adult Children and Fending for Ourselves

I have been watching some friends struggle over the years with issues that involve their adult children. I have to say that I am not sure what to say to them most of the time because my normal responses would sound cold and unfeeling to the friends I love dearly. I firmly believe that you need to be accountable for your choices and accept consequences-good, bad or indifferent. However, as someone who has made the decision to be Childfree, I do acknowledge some of the intensely difficult choices that come with raising children. I am not one who prefers the company of children, but I am not the ‘hater of the breeders and their spawn’. Given the choice, I’d rather be alone than spend time with kids or to most adults who want to talk about their kids. However, I live in the real world and despite listening to the vitriolic ranting of the Anti-natalist or Voluntary Human Extinction communities, I still respect those who choose or have chosen to BE responsible and loving parents. After all,

Monday Moxie- The naked truth...?

Good day friends.... This Monday Moxie is gonna be a little rant of get out now if you just aren't up for it or simply haven't had enough coffee to hang on. I've gotta get this off my chest... I'm getting very tired of the fake witches on the internet that have been diluting and disillusioning many about what being a witch can really be... I have met so many beautiful souls....powerful, wise, generous, spiritual people that have increased my knowledge as I trip down my path. Not perfect....but of course, neither am I. However, there is a certain thing we all share for our path....we RESPECT our paths. I've often seen the use of pictures of half naked men and women...all 'witches' allegedly...and suddenly everyone is ooh-ing and ah-ing and tittering behind their pointed hats like naughty school kids... That's magick? That's what a witch really is? No wonder people get confused when they try to find out what a witch is. You either have to b