Monday Moxie- The naked truth...?

Good day friends....
This Monday Moxie is gonna be a little rant of get out now if you just aren't up for it or simply haven't had enough coffee to hang on. I've gotta get this off my chest...

I'm getting very tired of the fake witches on the internet that have been diluting and disillusioning many about what being a witch can really be... I have met so many beautiful souls....powerful, wise, generous, spiritual people that have increased my knowledge as I trip down my path. Not perfect....but of course, neither am I. However, there is a certain thing we all share for our path....we RESPECT our paths.

I've often seen the use of pictures of half naked men and women...all 'witches' allegedly...and suddenly everyone is ooh-ing and ah-ing and tittering behind their pointed hats like naughty school kids... That's magick? That's what a witch really is? No wonder people get confused when they try to find out what a witch is. You either have to be a romance novel looking man with a six-pack and tribal tattoos or a woman with 38-24-36 dimensions in a robe you are busting out of.... Is that what we've become? A bunch of naughty soccer moms and frustrated dads living out our fantasies by pretending to be 'bad' witches online? Flirting with our sexual frustrations by using the word 'Witch' in order to add an element of excitement....danger...forbidden fruit?

I'm no prude...I happen to love pin-up and old burlesque art. I believe all bodies, young and old, can be seen as beautiful. I work hard to try to get more comfortable in my own skin and live out loud so there is no body shaming. But I wouldn't claim that it is what a witch looks confuse the issue with what a witch IS....what we reduce it to nothing more than an image that one could see in Playboy or Playgirl.  So....does this mean that we can't be happy and celebrate what is real on our path unless we make it sexy and fantasy like? Perhaps is it the growing crone in me that is making me want to smack people in the head for this. Sexuality has it's own energy....but it is NOT the only thing that makes a witch. We've turned the craft of the wise into Calvin Klein underwear ads....and then wonder why people still don't take us seriously. It makes me angry....and sad...

There is still so much I want to learn about my path. So many practices I try to incorporate into my daily many more still that I want to learn about. My spiritual beliefs give me stability and center my world. My relationship with the Goddess inspires me, strengthens me, and gives me hope.
My observations of Nature makes me feel part of all things...large and microscopic...balanced among the flora and fauna of the world. 

But perhaps, even at this stage of my life, I'm just a little naive about how 'sex sells'. My spiritual path will not be reduced that way and I do find it disrespectful and insulting when I see others doing this. Maybe it is just me, maybe not. But when did the force of the moon get reduced to the full moon of an ass shot or breasts busting out of form fitting clothing? When did the wisdom, strength and grace of the Goddess become something that looks like a Victoria's Secret campaign? 

Being naked before the Gods is more than just the baring of the flesh... It is dropping all your defenses...coming forward with all your flaws and imperfections-both INNER and OUTER and being present before Them. It is being brave...not trying to hide who you are...your fears, insecurities, doubts....ALL are known to the Gods. Being naked as a Witch means that you have bared your spirit...the essence of who you are...allowed yourself to be open and vulnerable in order to accept their love, magick, and power into your very being. Being a Witch means that you know being naked in the flesh still just window dressing....being naked in spirit is what opens the path up before you....for that is where you stand before Goddess and TRUST in all She that She may guide you to all that you are capable of becoming....

End rant...



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