You're missing it...

In this digital age, modern technology has divided us from each other and we have forgotten how or don't even know how to speak to each other anymore.  
I know people who spend more time engaged in online relationships than with the spouses, partners or friends that they actually live with. 
People freak out if they lose their phones, not because they might miss an important call, but because they have forgotten how to conduct themselves throughout the day without the distractions of texting.

I see friends and co-workers who can text a mile a minute but don't know how to properly spell a  complete word or how to put a sentence together.
I've seen people on the beach on a bright sunny day with the ocean right in front of them and seagulls crying out overhead....but they have their heads down to their iphones or e-books....

When 'Face Time' means staring at a screen.....when 'chatting' means typing...we've lost something precious and real in our interactions with each other.

You are missing it...You are missing it....YOU. ARE. MISSING. IT.

Put the phone down. Put the tablet away. Close the laptop. Turn off your desktop.

We've destroyed the counterculture....'Turn on, Tune in, Drop out'.....
We really have...BUT...

It's not too's NEVER too LIVE...


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