
Showing posts from 2016

The times they are a'changing...

A Dirty Chai and a little blog housekeeping! I don't think you know how frikkin excited I am about this new blog! I just merged the Childfree Moxie blog and the Mid-Stride Moxie blog here....and now, it's full speed ahead! Are you ready? Cause I sure am! This is my comfy spot...and I'm ready.  Hope you are, too!

Time for a change...

Much as I thought I would enjoy having this singular blog to vent about my frustrations and celebrate the joys of living a Childfree life....I find that I need to simplify things. So, I've created a new blog- Coffee, Chaos and Cuss Words!  I'll import the articles I've shared here and I'll be posting about my Childfree life there. In addition, it will be a blog more in keeping with this stage of my life. I'm 51, menopausal and definitely a true, eclectic Witch with a seeking soul and daily spiritual practices. I do hope you'll join me at the new blog. Come January, this site will be no more. It's time for a change and I'm up to the challenge....I hope you are, too!

Welcome to Coffee, Chaos and Cuss Words!

Hello Everybody! I was thinking that it was time for a change. I'm moving into a different time in my life, and I wanted my blog to reflect that . I was feeling stretched too thin, trying to keep up with my other blogs: Mid-Stride Moxie and Childfree Moxie. I am still the Moxie gal from Jersey you already know, but I feel that I haven't really made my blogs enough about who I am and what I really want to express. So, it's time for me to embrace more of the aspects of my life that are truly ME. I recently saw this mug online: This mug was the inspiration for the new blog. First of all, I *LOVE* coffee....nuff said. Chaos...well, THAT is my LIFE. Every day, I strive to maintain balance in a world that is determined to constantly knock me on my butt! As for Cuss Words....well, that is part of me and my personal expression and I make no apologies for it. As I moved into my Crone years, this stage of my life is all about truly being myself. I am over the politically corre

The Lost Art of Childfree Conversation

Been away for a bit....but the struggle is still very real in the life of this Childfree woman. I find that most of my challenges come at work, where I am one of two Childfree-by-Choice individuals. Soon to be solo, as my CF counterpart is moving at the end of the summer. However, that person does contribute to the issue as she's not as devoutly CF as I am. She's especially fond of our coworker's children and has spent much time with them. Me? Despite being there nearly a year, I find I am no closer to the gang than when I started. The reason for the lack of connection, at least for me, has a lot to do with COMMUNICATION. No matter where we are, when we gather, or for what purpose....the topic almost ALWAYS runs to children. We recently had a staff meeting where a coworker's pregnancy was announced and you'd have thought she announced that she had won the Powerball lottery! There was whooping, hollering...even crying. What I found most ridiculous about the

Elemental Approach to Spring Cleaning

Hello Moxie clan! It's been a couple of months since last I blogged. Life on SoCal coast is wonderful but it has required some adjustment for this Jersey Witch! Mentally, physically and spiritually I have had many experiences and growing pains in the past few months. Now that I finally feel ready to come back here to blog, it seemed more than appropriate to address new ways of Spring Cleaning. Spring Cleaning goes way beyond sweeping and airing out your house. As I've learned, moving from the East Coast to the West Coast, a change in season doesn't necessarily require staying indoors to avoid snow, ice or generally freezing to death. The average temperature here has been around 64 degrees this winter. So, how do I adjust Spring Cleaning magickally? Let's do this by the Elements... AIR: those windows and let the breezes play as they move through your home.  What if you live in an apartment with no windows? Make or use a hand fan and focus your energies. Star

Do something....

Hello my friends! Thank you for joining me again here at Mid-Stride Moxie! I had quite a different plan for what I wanted my first post of 2016 to be, until something happened to me yesterday.  My hubby and I decided that we would celebrate the first day of the New Year by taking a walk at our favorite place; the beach. It's a special place for us and the main reason we moved from NJ to SoCal. It's a spiritual place for us both that heals us and relieves our stress instantly. We could not imagine a better place to breathe and set our intentions for the year to come. As we were walking toward the pier, we were witness to an assault. In a flash, I turned to hear the pop of a fist hitting flesh and saw a young man get punched, rise in the air and hit the pier.....hard. I got the barest glimpse of the young man who did it as he walked away with a young woman pushing a stroller. My husband and I were more concerned with the young man with the bloody face and hands, prone and not mov