Welcome to Coffee, Chaos and Cuss Words!

Hello Everybody!
I was thinking that it was time for a change. I'm moving into a different time in my life, and I wanted my blog to reflect that . I was feeling stretched too thin, trying to keep up with my other blogs: Mid-Stride Moxie and Childfree Moxie.
I am still the Moxie gal from Jersey you already know, but I feel that I haven't really made my blogs enough about who I am and what I really want to express. So, it's time for me to embrace more of the aspects of my life that are truly ME. I recently saw this mug online:
This mug was the inspiration for the new blog. First of all, I *LOVE* coffee....nuff said. Chaos...well, THAT is my LIFE. Every day, I strive to maintain balance in a world that is determined to constantly knock me on my butt! As for Cuss Words....well, that is part of me and my personal expression and I make no apologies for it.

As I moved into my Crone years, this stage of my life is all about truly being myself. I am over the politically correct filter that tries to supress our personal expression in order to exert control over our lives. I am a 51 year old, eclectic Solitary Witch who is always looking for ways to incorporate spiritual/magickal practice into my daily life.. I'm a professional and productive working woman who is looking forward to adding more to the 11 tattoos I currently have. I am Childfree by Choice and am fortunate enough to have met and married a man who is also committed to a Childfree life.
Whether it is coffee, books, movies, music, cats,  food, politics, Witchcraft, marriage, being Childfree, etc....I've got an opinion on many things and dammit, at this stage of my life I WILL express myself....MY WAY! Damn...this feels good! This is gonna be FUN!


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