17 Days

On April 28, 2017, I was laid off from my job for the first time in my adult life. I was upset about it, but knew that I didn't have the kind of time to mess about. Living in Southern California, even as modestly as my hubby and I do, can be expensive. I was let go at noon on Friday and after I gave myself a few minutes to get weepy, I went home and started looking for jobs.
17 days later, I've got a new job.

In a tiny, fearful area of my heart I don't want to 'jinx' this by talking about it. However, giving in to fear is NEVER going to be of use to me so I need to say it out loud. What am I afraid of? Well, I don't use drugs, but the neighbors downstairs and across the way smoke so much weed I can often smell it coming in my apartment before I shut the door. I was afraid that might show up in the drug test I took and disqualify me for the job. My hubby says that isn't likely to happen, but fear kills hope and I have been struggling with that since I lost my last job. I'm afraid of losing everything-home, car, life-and living in So Cal, it's easy to see how many people are homeless due to an unfortunate change of circumstance. So, I didn't give in to fear and got busy pushing past it to have what I want and to be where I want. That first day, the right job at the right time presented itself and I applied for that job.
I made a conscious decision NOT to give fear more than a pass in my mind. I did remain hopeful, positive, optimistic, .determined. I kept applying for jobs even though this is the one I really wanted more than the others. I got called for an interview, then a second, and finally a third with the executive VP. I know what my strengths and weaknesses are, but could I convince someone else that they would be an asset? Fighting the fear, I just kept moving forward. A little bit EVERY day and I mean EVERY day.  17 days.....and I am so inspired to share this with others. The group I will work for is very dedicated to Servant Leadership. To me, this is one lesson I will be happy to share to motivate someone to be accountable for the change they want to make in their lives. I hope someone can learn from my situation and it will inspire me to continue to develop my skills. I believe that I was rejected from the last job, to get me to the point when this new job was ready for me. It was the right time...17 days...

What could YOU do in 17 days?


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