An unexpected turn of events....

Well, now....I've been out for a bit. There's been a load of changes going on-some good, some not so good. Grab a cuppa and let's get caught up, shall we?
When last we met, (besides the post about the 'Fearless Girl' statue) I was getting ready to move on to a new job that I was so very excited about! I was making a quiet exit from a job that I didn't feel was the right fit for me. The new job made me feel valued in ways the one I was leaving had not. I felt my age and experience were considered an asset, not punchline. I started the new job and began my intensive 6 week training program with gusto! I had such good vibes from the interview, my classes were going well(I aced the tests!) and the work I'd begun with clients that I had not a clue what was to follow. For the first time EVER in my life-I got laid off...

One week before the finals for my training,and just a day or two shy of 90 days with the company, I was called into the boss's office (you know the scene).  An HR lady from the main office said that due to 'budget constraints' I was going to have to be let go. Um...what? The HR lady said that she had 'many unfortunate meetings like this to make' and 'it often happens at this time of the year'. I...What?So, she handed me her card and told me that if I was still interested in working for the company, to call AFTER July 1 when their new fiscal year starts. 'I'm sorry, so sorry...' Wait,...What? I asked to speak with my supervisor, to make sure she knew about the appointments with my clients. They first told her that I was let go, then, in a daze, I went in to tell her about the appointments. In a hushed voice, she looked at me and said, 'You will be okay. You have strengths and abilities that will allow you to move forward. Remember that. You're gonna be okay.'  The office manager who was with me and the HR lady then followed me to my desk, watched me pack my meager personal belongings (like I was being fired not laid off...) and escorted me out of the building. I put my things in my car and stood looking up in amazement at the noonday sun. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...what the fuck just happened???

Fortunately, recover quickly in a crisis. I let myself get tearful for about 5 minutes. Went to the bank, the post office, and then came home and immediately started job searching. This was no time to panic or to feel sorry for myself. While having never been fired or laid off from any job I've ever had before in my life, I didn't feel devastated as much as I felt a need to get my ass in gear and find work. I found several jobs that looked like they would be a good fit. Sent out my applications and then told my hubby what happened and what was now in the works. That was on Friday afternoon, April 28...
On Monday morning, I got a call from the one company that I was truly most interested in. I have an interview tomorrow morning, May 5....

There are no guarantees in life. I've interviewed for plenty of jobs that I didn't get. What I didn't do was let that define my attitude or my actions. Action conquers fear..and I was about to get stuck in a bog of self-pity. My situation isn't what I want it to be so I needed to ACT in order to change it. Thinking positive....Being positive....not always easy. The alternative is and I'm not one to take the easy road at any stage. I do believe that what you do is what you attract. Wallow in doubt, fear, self-pity, etc and that is indeed what you will be enveloped in. I believe that I chose to act, with confidence, optimism and it was that energy that allowed me to find the opportunity which will be before me tomorrow at 9:00am.
Nervous, but hopeful....confident...curious....and I WANT this.
More changes to come....keep a positive thought out there for me. That positive energy can lead to bigger and better and infinitely more positive changes. I believe in that..... The power of your mind is incredible. The power of INTENTION is amazing. You create your own destiny...your journey is made up of the choices for which way you want to go and how you choose to get there.
Staying positive...remembering my how I choose to move forward...


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