Sunday Cawfee Klatsch!

Not real....but I bet it will be eventually...

I've missed my Sunday 'CAWFEE' Klatsch! A tradition I grew up with, is one that I still love, though it has changed now that the elders in my life have passed on. One of my favorite memories of my childhood is spending time with friends, family, and neighbors and just chatting with the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the air. The Cawfee Klatsch is where I learned a lot about life, laughter and often, some new cuss words to add to my growing vocabulary!

Getting up on a Sunday morning to enjoy coffee and conversation with my hubby and cats is still something I look forward to often. Not quite making up for all the missed free time during the work week. However, there is something smooth and easy about curling your fingers around a colorful mug of my favorite beverage and just enjoying time with the one I love. And now in this modern age, when so many friends are far away or simply met through cyberspace, I get to enjoy sharing my thoughts with you here on my little blog!

Today's topic: Mercury Retrograde (henceforth-MercRx). Every time I hear this topic I automatically grimace and start waving my hand around like I'm trying to swat a mosquito away from my ear! Seriously, I'm a 50+ year old woman who has lived though many a MercRx. I have NO patience for the fear mongers and the Chicken Little's of the world predicting disaster will befall us all because it's MercRx. I'm tired of half of the world telling you to be afraid of everything and the rest of the world telling you to buy the 'cure' for whatever it is you're afraid of! WTF???

As a Witch, I believe in the interconnectedness of the Universe. I also believe in INFLUENCE, in FREE WILL and I also believe in ACCOUNTABILITY. The reality of life is that electronics break down, loved ones have disagreements, and if you don't thoroughly read your damned contracts, you might get screwed!!

MercRx is a time to really look at yourself...take responsibility for your life...get your shit together! Everything RE- is a good thing now. REorganize, REdecorate, REfresh, REnew, REread, REvisit, REcreate, REvise, etc. Do you get it yet? There is nothing about MercRx that is scary, except for your own bullshit procrastination in looking at the messy details of your own world and taking responsibility for cleaning it up. No one said you have to do it all...or do it perfectly. But DO something....except whine. Stop whining...seriously-it's bad for your complexion. 

Time to get more coffee and get to my own stuff. Enjoy your day!


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