
Showing posts from 2011

Bad fashion advice for women over 40...

I've been scouring the web lately for what 'they' say are the do's and don'ts for women over 40 when it comes to fashion and makeup. The information I found friends is nothing short of....discouraging. According to what I've found, Women over 40 should not: -Wear their hair in long styles -wear shorts, Wear Horizontal stripes, Jackets that hit at mid-thigh, Pleated pants, tank tops, Double-breasted blazers, Capri-length pants, leather pants or jackets, fluorescent colors, plunging necklines, bikinis, sleeveless shirts, etc -wear shimmery makeup, bold colors and absolutely NO Red lipstick!! -wear high heels or knee high boots -wear glittery anything -bangle bracelets and large earrings -wear message t-shirts and trendy/embellished/low-rise/skinny/light colored/ etc denim jeans -hair clips, scrunchies, or other hair accessories -oversized purses/bags Wow...seriously? I could puke right now! So many more 'donts' for women over 40....and who exactly is makin

Q & A time....all about ME!

Okay...haven't done one of these in awhile, so just for fun, I figured it was time to do one again. However, at my age, I modified some of the entirely stupid questions that sound like they were written by a high school freshman. Let's get started, shall we? ------------------------------------------------- ~Basic info~ Name : Adelina (aka Lina) Age: 46 Home : New Jersey! I'm a proud Jersey girl all my life...even got my hubby to move out here from California and he loves it, too! Religion : Pagan/Wiccan- I am more 'spiritual' than a believer in practicing any one particular path. I trust my intuition; if it feels right,then I go with that. Ethnicity : 1/2 Italian (mom) and 1/2 Puerto Rican (dad) and all American! Status : Happily married! Appearance : Dark hair and brown eyes, 5'5", unapologetically plus-sized. Happy as I am... Pets : One cat, Zella. She's a 15yo, sometimes cranky old lady who thrives when her people are home, sitting on t

I love NJ....Got a problem with that?

Ah my beloved, attitude laden Garden I love thee... Yes, I really, really do. I was born and raised in NJ...and I still live here! I am a true Jersey girl who is proud of the fact (one of many) that New Jersey is one of only two states left in the USA where it is illegal to pump your own gas! Seriously, why are self-serve states bagging on Jersey for this when they all end up filling up here because our full-serve stations charge LESS for gas? Go figure... It's not easy to put up with the constant barrage of jokes about my NJ. ( You're from NJ? What exit? Really? Like I haven't heard it before...and it was a stupid joke then. Let it go...) I've always felt that the only folks who were 'allowed' to criticize NJ are those people who actually are from NJ... But there are so many things about Jersey that folks just don't get...or that have been passed around and twisted so they just plain get it WRONG!  I would like to show some love for my state, c
Although this was circulated around the internet as being attributed to Andy Rooney, the real author is Frank Keiser. I don't care who wrote it....I *LOVE* this! Enjoy! Ode to Women Over 40 As I grow in age, I value women who are over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting. A woman over 40 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 40 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing. Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won

PDA's for Life!

What? Really? Some people actually have a problem with people showing their affection for each other....especially if you are over 40!! This is a subject near and dear to my heart for some time now. Back in 2008, I wrote a little mini-blog about Public Display's of Affection. Here is part of what I wrote then: "A public display of affection (sometimes it is abbreviated as PDA ) is the physical expression of intimacy or affection for one’s romantic partner while in public and in the view of others. It can be as simple gesture such as a whisper, a cute nickname, a gentle caress, or holding hands. It can go as far as embracing, kissing, caressing the body, a smack on the butt and at times, ’making out’, ’necking’ or ’heavy petting’. Some things should probably remain private...or they may lose the real ’intimacy’ of the gesture. Small PDA’s seem so important in keeping a relationship alive and loving that I wonder why I don’t see them more often." I really don't see eve

Out of the Comfort zone...

I've been thinking about what direction I really want to take this blog. I have decided that as a woman in my mid-40's. I really want to explore things that either a) most people don't exist or don't think about checking out for themselves or b) super cool or fun things folks over 40 are basically told they can't or shouldn't do. I am a work in progress...there are many things I still want to do, see and try...I'm just getting started! It's fabulous being over comfort zone is just a guideline...I'm more confident about who I am, and it's easier to try new things. Most days I really like who I am...and want to grow more loving, interesting and creative and that's a feeling I want to share with you. I'm into lots of, vintage styles, fashion, books, movies, makeup, art, dancing, etc.... See what I mean? Not dead yet kids...not by a long shot! What I'm not into is sitting for hours on end watching stale television s

No day but today!

Welcome! Finally, I have taken the leap to start my own blog! My name is Lina, and I will be your host along this weird, Wonka-ish journey through my life! I look forward to getting to know you...and I hope you look forward to getting to know me, too! If you have seen the itty bitty description of myself for my profile, I shall expand a bit on that now. I am indeed, at this present day, in what one might call.....Mid-Life. *gasp* What a wretched sounding place that seems like, but I assure you, it's not! I prefer to refer to this stage as Mid-Stride....that little pause in the middle right before getting on to the next part of my dance! Sounds much better, right? I'm nearly 46 and all sorts of wonderful things have happened in my life since I hit keeps getting better, and sometimes stranger, but always changing and challenging. I am a Big Gal...yes, plus sized....FAT even! Ha! Yes, I am working on being healthier, but I have always been a curvy gal and am not ashamed